Chapter 8 - One More Chance

329 21 4

July 31, 1998
Sorry for any mistakes

Author's POV

🌟💙Mixed Setting💙🌟

It was now morning and Ginuwine and Mariah were sound asleep on the couch in Mariah's living room.

The night before was rough for Mariah. All of her pain and sorrow had suddenly risen to the surface after she talked to Aaliyah and she just couldn't hold it any longer.

Ginuwine, on the other hand was just happy that Mariah gave him the time of day after all the previous pain he put her through.

The two slept for the next two hours, unknowingly holding each other like it would be their last time together.

Mariah, surprisingly was the first one to wake up and was completely disoriented when she saw that she was laying on Ginuwine.

Last night felt like a dream to her, so she didn't  expect to see him when she woke up.

Really? You cried your heart out to him thinking it was a dream but you were awake the whole time. How pathetic, Mariah scolded herself.

She tried to move off of him but his arm was wrapped tightly around her waist.

How the hell do I get out of this?, Mariah thought to herself as she tried to remove herself from Ginuwine's arms without waking him.

She was unsuccessful and Ginuwine slowly opened his eyes as she was unraveling his arm from around her.

"Where you going?", Ginuwine asked causing Mariah to jump.

She just stared at him, not knowing what to say to him.

Ginuwine let her go and she quickly got off of him and left the room.

"Mariah where are you going?", he said as he got up and followed after her.

"Ginuwine, you have to leave", Mariah said as she turned and faced him with tears in her eyes.

"But you called me over here. What's wrong?", he said as he tried to touch her but Mariah moved away.

"Mariah I'm ju-"

"No! You have to go!", Mariah cried.

"B-but I love you Mariah", Ginuwine said shakily as he stared into her eyes.

"If you loved me then you wouldn't have hurt me."

"I'm sorry Mariah. I was a different man then. I let my past ruin our relationship, but I'm getting help for it now. I go to therapy every week."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?", Mariah sniffled.

"I can bring you with me to one of my therapy appointments or I can just show you through my actions. Please just give me a second chance. I want to be a better man for you", Ginuwine said pleadingly.

Mariah stared at him in deep thought for a moment before she finally spoke.

"I'll give you another chance, but as soon as you hurt me, we're gonna be done for good", she said.

"Oh my god, Thank you!", Ginuwine rejoiced as he picked Mariah up and spun her around.

"Put me down", Mariah chuckled.

"Aww my baby is smiling. You've been crying ever since I got here", he said as he put her back on her feet.

"It was all because of you", she rolled her eyes.

"You missed me didn't you?"


"Stop playing", Ginuwine smirked.

"Maybe I did or maybe I didn't. Even though I hated you, I still loved you and that's all that matters", Mariah smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too", Ginuwine said.

After months of sadness, both of their hearts were full of warmth and love.

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