Chapter 27 - She Knows

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June 14, 1999

Author's POV

Mariah's Setting

"Yeah baby, I promise I won't be long. I just have to get the rest of my clothes out of her apartment", Mariah said to Ginuwine over the phone.

She was currently in Midtown East Manhattan and was getting ready to collect the rest of her belongings out of Janet's large penthouse.

"Okay just make sure that she isn't home. I don't want any issues going on. Call me if you need me babygirl. I'm cooking your favorite tonight so hurry because I want us to eat together", he said.

"I'm pretty sure she isn't here Ginuwine, she's been really busy lately", she chuckled as she got off of the elevator and stood in front of Janet's penthouse.

"Well alright, like I said call me if you need me."

"Okay bye baby", Mariah said sweetly, then hung up the phone.

She pulled out her key to the penthouse and unlocked the door and just as she thought, Janet wasn't home.

All of the lights were off except for a small lamp that sat on a side table in the living room which Mariah found quite strange. Janet always left most of the lights on because she was scared of the dark.

"Something ain't right. Let just me get these clothes and get out of here", Mariah said to herself as she quickly made her way upstairs to Janet's bedroom.

When she got to Janet's bedroom it was completely dark. The only light that entered was from a dimly lit wall lamp that was in the hallway.

Mariah turned on one of Janet's bedside table lamps and looked around the room, which was in it's usual tidy state.

After looking around, Mariah got to the task at hand, which was getting the rest of her clothes out of Janet's closet. She immediately got to work, messily stuffing the clothes into a large duffle bag that she had brought with her.

She was so busy at work, that she didn't see what was going on behind her.

She was so busy at work, that she didn't see what was going on behind her

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Janet had walked into the bedroom and was standing in the doorway of the closet watching Mariah's every move

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Janet had walked into the bedroom and was standing in the doorway of the closet watching Mariah's every move.

She observed her for a minute before finally saying something.

"Why are you doing this?", Janet sighed causing Mariah to nearly jump out of her skin.

"J-Janet? Y-You scared m-me. I-I thought y-you weren't h-here", Mariah said nervously.

"I've been here the whole time Mariah, but you didn't answer my question. You've been ignoring me lately and don't think that I don't know why", Janet said pulling a pregnancy test out of her back pocket and waving it in the air.

"J-Janet w-where did you find that?", Mariah said knowing that all hell was about to break loose.

"At your apartment, I came over to surprise you with something but you weren't home. I searched around your apartment for you cause I know how you like to play hide-and-go- seek and I happened find this on your bathroom counter", Janet said.

"I-I can e-explain", Mariah croaked.

"What is there to explain? You went and had sex with Ginuwine, cause I know you're not fucking anybody else, you let him do that to you. That's not much to explain. I know how babies are made, I've been there and done that", Janet said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I-I didn't know it was going to happen....I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me? You're the one that laid down with him. What happened to us Mariah? Did I not make you happy? Am I not good enough? I've done nothing but love you and be here for you and you go and do this to me?", Janet said with tears running down her face.

"Janet I'm sorry but I'm in love with Ginuwine. Thanks for everything but he's the one I truly want. I love him with all my heart and I'm happy that I'm pregnant with his child", Mariah said trying not to cry also.

"So you basically have been using me? Let's not forget I was there for you through your miscarriage and everything else. All those times that Ginuwine was beating your ass, you came running to me. All those times Ginuwine tried to rape you in the middle of the night, you came running to me. All the times that he has ever done you wrong, you came running to me. I came to the rescue every time because I was in love with you and I still am in love with you but your dumbass is too blind to see it", Janet yelled loudly, anger suddenly pumping through her veins.

"I. Love. never had to do anything for me. I didn't force you to help me and I never asked for a relationship with you either. I not a lesbian", Mariah said coldly as she dropped the duffel bag and crossed her arms.

"You never asked for a relationship with me? You're not a lesbian? Bitch you were the one that came over here crying and begging me to fuck you, talking bout 'make love to me Janet, take my pain away'. Do I need to refresh your memory? You got me completely fucked up", Janet said as she came closer to Mariah.

She was trying her hardest not to put her hands on Mariah because that would be stooping down to Ginuwine's level. Even though she was mad enough to hit her, she decided to leave the ass whoopings up to him.

"You're honestly mad for no reason at this point. I just think you're jealous that Ginuwine fucks me good and that I'm having his baby and not yours.....oop that's right, you can't get me pregnant because you're a whole bitch", Mariah sneered.

"Hurry up and get your shit so you can get the fuck outta my house", Janet said.

She was honestly appalled at Mariah's behavior and actions but there wasn't anything she could do about. Ginuwine had already done his damage.

What do you guys think?

Do you guys think Janet handled the situation well?

What do you want to happen next?

Until next time,


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