Chapter 61- It's Time

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March 1, 2000

Ginuwine/Mariah's Setting

"Mimi come on it's time for bed", Ginuwine said as he waited for Mariah to come out of their bathroom.

She was now nine months pregnant and due at any moment.

"Baby I feel weird", Mariah grimaced as she stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?", he asked with immediate concern as he got up and walked over to her.

"I don't know. I just don't feel right", Mariah said as she put her hand on her very large stomach.

"Do you want me to call the doctor?", Ginuwine frowned.

"Ginuwine I-I don't k-know", Mariah said nervously.

"Maybe you just need to lay down. Let me help you", Ginuwine said as he took Mariah by the hand.

Before she could start walking, a gush of water came from between her legs and splattered onto the hardwood floor.

Her water had just broken.

Fear instantly filled Mariah's eyes as she looked down at the puddle of water on the floor.

"Mimi...don't panic. This only means that you're going into labor", Ginuwine said, trying to remain calm. "I'm gonna go get the hospital bag so we can hurry up and go okay?"

"I'm s-scared", Mariah muttered as she began to panic.

"Mimi calm down. This will only be harder if you freak out. I'm gonna go get the bag okay?", Ginuwine said gently as he tried to calm his wife.

He quickly ran and got the hospital bag that they had already packed, trying hard to keep his composure. He couldn't wait to meet his twins.

"Ahhhh! Ginuwine where are you?!", Mariah said as she screamed out in pain as the first contraction surged through her body.

"I'm right here Mimi", he said as he ran back into their bedroom with the hospital bag.

He immediately grabbed her by the hand slowly lead her out of their house and into their brand new SUV.

"Fuck!!! This hurts so bad!", Mariah yelled out in extreme pain as Ginuwine turned on the vehicle.

"Don't worry Mimi, we'll be at the hospital soon", he said as he backed out of their long driveway and began speeding down the road.

Mariah continued to scream and cry as the contractions got worse, violently surging through her lower body.

"G-Ginuwine! Oh my God! I see b-blood! Nooo!", Mariah screamed loudly as blood began to trickle down her leg.

Ginuwine glanced over to see a steady stream of blood running down Mariah's thighs. It scared him but he knew that he couldn't show it because it would only make Mariah more scared.

"Mimi I need you to take a few deep breaths. You're losing quite a bit of blood and I don't want you passing out from lack of oxygen okay?", Ginuwine said calmly as he squeezed her hand.

Mariah obliged and began to take deep breaths in between contractions.

"There you go Mimi. We're only a few minutes away from the hospital", he said as he whipped the large SUV around a corner.

Five minutes later they arrived at the hospital and Mariah was immediately rushed off to the labor and delivery unit where Dr. Rease was waiting.

Ginuwine immediately called their family and friends to let them know what was happening.

In a matter of minutes, his mother Diane, Aaliyah, and Rashad showed up. Tim, Static, Nas, Brat, and Janet were all on their way.

"I can't believe my first grandbabies are about to be born", Diane said as Ginuwine lead her and Aaliyah down to Mariah's room.

"I can't wait to see what they look like. I want them to call me auntie LiLi", Aaliyah said excitedly.

They finally made it to Mariah's room and walked in.

"Hey butterfly, how you feeling?", Diana asked as she walked over to see Mariah in a fetal position in the hospital bed.

Dr. Rease was able to stop the unusual bleeding but Mariah was very much still in pain because it was too early for her to get an epidural.

"It's hurts so bad", Mariah grimaced.

"I know it does. I've done this three times", she said as she grabbed onto Mariah's hand.

"I'm never doing this again", Mariah cried.

"You don't actually mean that....right?", Ginuwine asked.

"Of course she doesn't. She's just in pain right now that's all", Diane said.

"Just think about how beautiful the twins are gonna be when they finally come out", Aaliyah said.

"I know, I just want them out", Mariah said as she held on to her large stomach.

"Mrs. Haughton what did I tell you about laying in a fetal position? You'll only make the contractions worse and your labor slower", Dr. Rease said as she entered the room.

"How times do I have to say just call me Mariah?", she grimaced.

"When will she be able to start pushing?", Ginuwine immediately asked.

"Well we're about to see now", Dr. Rease said as she checked Mariah to see how dilated she was.

"Well it looks like you're not quite ready to start pushing but I can give you pain medication though", she smiled.

"Please. I'm in so much pain", Mariah begged.

Dr. Rease nodded and got the pain medication so she could inject it in the IV that was in Mariah's arm.

Once she was finished, Mariah almost immediately felt relief.

"Guys I think Mimi is getting a little sleepy now that she feels better. Give you all give us a little space so she can rest?", Ginuwine asked.

"Yeah I think we should do that. Come on Liyah, let's let Butterfly get her rest", Diane said.

Aaliyah shrugged and followed her as they both left the room.

"How you feeling now?", Ginuwine asked as he sat next to Mariah's bed.

"A lot better", she said tiredly.

"I can't wait until our babies finally born. We've worked so hard to get to this point", he smiled.

"I agree", she said as they intertwined their fingers.

"Um I know this might not be the right time but I really need to talk to you both", Janet said softly as she appeared in the doorway of Mariah's hospital room.

"What is it?", Mariah rolled her eyes.

"I just really need to get this off of my chest...."


Y'all I am so sorry for the long break. I just started my freshman year of college and life has been hectic. Imma try and keep updating though. I love you guys so much and hope you understand.

Until next time,


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