Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait guys I've been busy. Excuse any mistakes. Don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE!

August 22, 1998

Author's POV

~Mixed Setting~

"So how was your day babygirl?", Ginuwine asked as he drove to his apartment.

Ginuwine had just picked her up from the studio after a long day of recording at the studio with Whitney Houston for the Prince Of Egypt Soundtrack.

"I'm so damn tired and my throat is a little sore from all that singing", Mariah groaned as she starred out of the car window.

"Do you wanna go back to my place?", Ginuwine asked.

"I don't care I just need to lay down", Mariah said tiredly. Usually she never was this tired and down but today was different and she couldn't find the reason why.

Ginuwine arrived at his apartment building and they both quickly made they're way up to his apartment.

"Are you hungry?", Ginuwine asked Mariah as he unlocked the door.


"I can go get us some food. Is there anything you want in particular?"

"Surprise me", Mariah said as she sat down in the couch in his living room.

"Okay well you get comfortable and I'll be right back", Ginuwine said as he walked towards the door.

Once he left, Mariah got up to have a look around. She wanted to see if anything changed while she was gone.

The first place she went was his bedroom.

Damn was I gone that long?, Mariah thought to herself as she looked around the room.

He completely rearranged the whole room and even added some new things, such as a mirror over the large king size bed and fireplace on the other side of the room.

His freaky ass, Mariah chuckled to herself as she sat on the bed and stared up at the mirror.

After looking in the mirror, she immediately turned her attention to Ginuwine's nightstand drawer which was wide open.

Mariah decided to be nosy and went to go see what was in it and deeply regretted it once she went through it's contents.

Inside was a bottle of lotion, tissues, and several pictures of her from when they were last together and some magazine clippings.

Ew ew ew…….well at least I know he wasn't whoring around while we were apart, Mariah thought as she got up and quickly left the room.

She went through the rest of the rooms to find that nothing had really changed.

Mariah was just about to go back into the family room when she saw something catch her eye.

All the way at the end of the hallway, tucked away in the corner, next to Ginuwine's bedroom was the door to what would have been their baby boys nursery.

She slowly walked towards it, a million emotions surging through her body as she got closer.

When she was finally there, Mariah opened the door, turned the light on, and took a deep breath as she walked inside.

Surprisingly, everything was still in it's place from the last time she was here, with exception of the thin layer of dust that covered everything.

Surprisingly, everything was still in it's place from the last time she was here, with exception of the thin layer of dust that covered everything

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She walked over to the crib and gently rested her hand on the railing, looking at all the stuffed animals and blankets in it.

Mariah sighed deeply and went over to the other side of the room where she saw a framed picture of her last ultrasound before the miscarriage.

She picked it up from the dresser and held it close to her heart.

"Baby boy….why did you have to leave mommy? All I wanted to do was love you and take care of you", Mariah said aloud as she began to cry.

"I was so excited to meet you but you left me. Did I do something wrong?", she said as tears streamed down her cheeks, then all of a sudden it all came to her.

It was August 22nd……the day that would've been her due date if she were still pregnant.

Mariah lost all composure and fell to her knees, crying hard and maintaining a strong grip on the picture frame.

"Mariah? Oh my…..", Ginuwine said as he walked into the nursery.

He had just gotten back with the food and had been looking for Mariah for the past few minutes.

"What are you doing in here?", he said as he got down on the floor to comfort her.

"I can't do this anymore Ginuwine", Mariah cried.

"What do you mean? We just got back together", Ginuwine said confused.

"No I wanna be with you, I just I-I miss my baby, I miss being pregnant, and I miss making you happy", she sniffled.

"All I wanted to do was give you the children you wanted and I couldn't even do that."

"Mariah you never had to get pregnant to make me happy. Whenever you feel ready to start having my kids, is up to you", he said as he held her.

Ginuwine took the picture frame from her and stared at it for a while as Mariah sniffled.

It still hurt him that his son didn't make it, but he knew it was a good reason behind it. He knew very well that him and Mariah weren't ready to be parents at the time and that they needed time for their relationship to mature.

Now he was more than ready to be a father, but it would only when Mariah was ready……

P.S. Are you guys still interested in this story?

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