Chapter 33 - Tranquility

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August 4, 1999

Ginuwine/Mariah's Setting

My God. She's so damn beautiful, Ginuwine thought to himself as he stared at Mariah while they laid on a blanket in the grass on a hill, watching the sunset.

They had decided to spend a week at Mariah's cottage that she owned in upstate New York just to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

It had been a long while since they both had quiet time with each other, due to their obligations as musicians so they were going to cherish the little time they had before they'd have before it was time to get back to work.

Ginuwine continued to admire Mariah as she stared at the clouds in the sky. She was glowing from head to toe due to pregnancy, her skin now a light golden brown from being kissed by the sun. Her hair had even changed colors, from a golden to a darker brown. Mariah was in her natural state. She looked like Mother Nature herself.

I'm so glad to have her, he said to himself as he put a firm hand on her baby bump, causing Mariah to look up at him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?", Mariah giggled.

"Because you look like a goddess", he smiled.

"Umm thanks? I didn't really put on anything special today", she said as she looked down at the gold crop top and long flowy skirt she had on.

"You don't have to put on anything special to be sexy as hell. You're naturally like that", Ginuwine said, causing Mariah to blush.

"Why are you being so sweet? You want some ass or something? All you have to do is ask", Mariah giggled.

"Really Mariah? You know I love you more than that. It's just amazing how we've gotten this far. We're in such a good space in our relationship right now", Ginuwine said as he rubbed circles on her stomach.

"I agree and I want it to stay this way but I'm ready to get married Ginuwine", Mariah said as she turned on her side to face him.

"Okay when do you want to do it?", he asked.

"Soon. Before I get too big to fit into a wedding dress", she said. "I want our wedding to be small and intimate. Maybe we can do it in your parents' backyard?"

"In their backyard?", Ginuwine laughed. "You don't want anything fancy?"

"No actually. I kinda just want to go the courthouse and get married", Mariah said, changing her mind. "I don't want anything special. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you and our babies."

"There's a courthouse not too far from here. You wanna get married tommorow?", Ginuwine asked as his eyes lit up.

"Sure. I just want to make sure that I'm with you forever. It's been long enough and I'm ready to be Mrs. Haughton", Mariah smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"You don't know how much I love your fine ass", Ginuwine grinned as he pulled her closer to him.

"Remember the last time we were here?", Mariah asked.

"Yep. We had just started dating and we came here to celebrate the fourth of July together. We actually laid in this exact spot and watched the fireworks that night. Everything went fine until I tried to get freaky, then you shut it down", he laughed.

"Yes because we had barely been together for two months and was already trying to have sex", Mariah chuckled. "I had to make your ass wait."

"Yeah you really made me work for it", he said.

"Mhm. I didn't get freaky until I got with you. You showed me a lot of things I didn't know existed. I have some things to show you but that's going to have to wait until we're married", Mariah said as she turned back to looking at the orange clouds in the sky.

"Oh really? Why can't you show me now?"

"Because the tricks I have are only for married people now that's the end of the discussion", she laughed.

The two turned back to looking at the clouds for a few moments just enjoying the silence and serenity of the nature around them.

"You know....I could really see us raising our children here instead of in the city. It's so quiet", Ginuwine said.

"But the cottage isn't big enough."

"I would buy us a house big enough for us and all of the kids we're going to have", he said.

"How many kids do you want?", Mariah said placing a hand on her stomach.

"As many as we can, while we can. Im about to be 32 so maybe we can have as many we can before I turn 40", said Ginuwine.

"Your trying to turn me into a baby factory. I'm going to be pregnant every year", Mariah whined. "But I guess I don't mind. I want a big family."

"It's starting to get dark. Do you want to go inside now?", Ginuwine asked.

"No. I could lay here and talk with you all night in the dark", Mariah smiled.

"Me too. I can't wait until we find out the gender of our twins. I hope they're both boys", he smirked.

"It doesn't really matter to me. I just want my babies to be born healthy. I have a feeling that they're going to look just like their daddy."

"Nah they're probably going to look like you. I hope they have your eyes", Ginuwine said as he planted kisses on her stomach.


"Because you have warmth in your eyes. That was what really caught my attention when I first saw you."

"Okay, I have regular eyes but if you insist", Mariah chuckled.

"You're beautiful all around and you're mine. You're gonna see how beautiful you are on our wedding night because I'm going to show you", Ginuwine laughed.

"Just be quiet and watch the sky. You better hope I have energy for our wedding night because your babies are making me tired all the time", she giggled.

"Mhm whatever. You never pass up an opportunity to have sex with me. That's why you're pregnant now."

"Boy if you don't cut it out", Mariah said.

The two continued watching the sky, holding each other close, and enjoying each others company.

This only the beginning of the calm before the storm that was ahead of them.


Okay so I decided to write a happy chapter before everything starts going downhill. I hope you guys enjoyed.

What do you guys think about Mariah and  Ginuwine finally getting married?

What should the gender of the babies be?

P.S. I would like to thank m_whip janetdatgirl and NicaBabey for consistently voting and commenting. I really appreciate you guys and always look forward to your comments. Also whoever else is reading, I thanks also😭💞

Until next time,


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