Chapter 39 - I'm Here

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August 17, 1999
San Francisco, California

Ginuwine's Setting

"We're here", the officer said as the cop car pulled up at San Francisco Medical Center.

"Okay thank you guys so much", Ginuwine said before quickly getting out of the police car and running through the hospital doors.

He nearly began sprinting once he saw the front desk.

"Hi. I'm the fiance of Mariah Carey. Can you please tell me what room she's in?", Ginuwine said to the woman behind the counter.

"Oh my god-......It's Ginuwine! I love you and your music so much!", the lady said, having her fangirl moment at the most inconvenient time.

"Okay. That's nice but I really need that room number", he said slightly annoyed. Her excitement was holding him up from more important matters.

"Oh sorry. Ms. Carey is on the 3rd floor in the intensive care and trauma unit. Room 327", the woman said.

Intensive care? Trauma? This can't be good, Ginuwine thought to himself.

"Alright. Thank you", Ginuwine said, then began running towards the elevators.

He made it to the 3rd floor but was almost immediately stopped by a doctor once he got off of the elevator.

"Are you Ms. Carey's fiance?", the male doctor asked.


"Please come with me. I need to have a meeting with you before you can go see her."

"Oh...okay", Ginuwine said as he followed the doctor to his office.

They walked down a long hallway which lead to small office at the end.

"So what exactly is going on?", Ginuwine asked with much concern.

So far no one had told him what exactly happened to Mariah and he was beginning to get upset.

"Well Mariah was shot at close range in the chest. We don't know what type of gun was used but it did do some damage. She just got of emergency surgery to remove the bullet and she's still in critical condition. Thankfully the bullet didn't hit her heart but it did puncture her right lung", the doctor said.

"Hold on! What?! She was shot? Who would do that do her?!", Ginuwine said, becoming angry.

"I'm sorry. We also found out that she was also violently raped several times over a course of a few days. We already did a rape kit on her and we're waiting for the lab to process it so that we can send it to the authorities.

"What the fuck?!", Ginuwine said as several emotions began surging through his body.

"Did she lose the babies?", he asked. If that happened, he would never be able to forgive himself nor we he ever put her through carrying another child by him.

"Surprisingly, the babies are healthy and growing just fine inside of Ms. Carey. We had a gynecologist/ obstetrician do an evaluation before she went into surgery and I was pretty astonished. She was at a really high risk of losing the babies but they are the healthiest we've seen."

"Oh thank God", Ginuwine said. At least he had some type of good news to hold on to.

"Okay Ms. Carey is in her room now. They just brought her back from surgery. I can walk you down there or you can go by yourself", the doctor said.

"I'll just go. Thanks for telling me what happened", Ginuwine said and then exited the office.

He made it to Mariah's room in seconds, anxious to see her.

"Oh God", Ginuwine said as he pulled the curtain back and saw Mariah.

His soul literally crumbled as he looked her laying in the hospital bed.

Mariah was connected to all types of machines and wires and tubes were everywhere.

Her usual even toned and glowing skin was now dull and covered from head to toe in dark bruises and cuts.

"Oh babygirl. I'm so sorry", Ginuwine said as tears formed in his eyes.

He pulled a chair up, sat next to her bed, and began crying his eyes out. He couldn't believe that someone could do something so cruel to Mariah. She never bothered anyone and was kind to every soul she met.

"I'm going to find out who did this and they are going to pay for it", Ginuwine said as he gently stroked Mariah's bruised hand.

He immediately noticed that she still had her engagement ring on and that gave him hope that Mariah would get better so they could finally get married and settle down with their children.

"You and our little angels are going to make it through this", Ginuwine said even though he knew Mariah couldn't hear him.

He looked at her baby bump and noticed that it was slightly bigger from the last time he saw it.

"Hi guys, it's your daddy. I know you probably can't hear me either and I know it's dark in there but I just wanted say that I love you. You two are such good babies and I can't wait to meet you guys next March. You probably already know that your mommy isn't feeling well right now but she's going to get better really soon so we can finally be a happy family", Ginuwine said as he softly rubbed Mariah's belly.

He was thankful that his children were okay but he blamed himself for what happened to Mariah. None of this would have happened if he had came to California with her. He would've been there to protect her and his babies from harm's way.

"I'm not leaving this room until you wake up babygirl. I will wait forever for you because I love you so much and there is no one else I'd rather be with", Ginuwine said as he squeezed Mariah's hand.

He would be there through every step of the way but he deep down that Mariah would never be the same after this.


What do you guys think?

Where do you think Janet is at this point?

What do you want to happen to Tommy?

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