Chapter 62 - Into The World

438 12 24

March 1, 2000

Ginuwine/Mariah's Setting

"Um I know this might not be the right time but I really need to talk to you both", Janet said softly as she appeared in the doorway of Mariah's room.

"What is it?", Mariah rolled her eyes.

"I just really need to get this off of my chest...."

"Janet please make it quick because my wife is in labor and that's more important than anything you have to say right now", Ginuwine said very aggravated.

"Well...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything I've done to you two. I wasn't in my right mind and I was wrong for trying to ruin you guy's relationship", Janet said remorseful.

"You can be sorry all you want but you want but you're still carrying MY man's baby inside of you and I'll never forgive you for that", Mariah said trying to keep her composure.

"But Mari-", Janet began to say but was interrupted when Mariah started to yell at her.

"The ONLY way for me to forgive you or even thinking about forgiving is if you sign over your parental rights once that baby is born. Nobody asked you to be a fucking surrogate for us! I will take you to fucking court over that baby if you don't hand it over because it doesn't belong to you!", Mariah yelled, getting more and more pissed off.

"I'm sorry Mariah...just let me keep her. I always wanted a little girl", Janet sobbed as she revealed the gender of the baby.

"I don't give a FUCK what you've wanted. If you wanted a little girl so bad, you should've took your ass to a sperm bank and not have used my husband!", Mariah yelled as tears streamed down her face. She was more than pissed.

"Janet you need to leave", was all Ginuwine said as Mariah began to cry even more.

"Okay...I'll leave. I just want you to know that I still love you Mariah and I'll do anything for you", Janet said softly before she slowly walked out of the hospital room.

"Mimi I'm so sorry babygirl", Ginuwine apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?", Mariah sniffled.

"Because I feel like this is my fault", he admitted.

"It's not Ginuwine. I don't even want to talk about this right now", she said as she winced from her labor pains. The pain medication given to her seemed to be wearing off fast.

"Ahhhh fuckk!", Mariah yelled out in agony as a contraction surged yet again through her body.

"Do I need to get the doctor babygirl?", Ginuwine asked nervously. He didn't like seeing her in pain.

"Y-yesss", she said as she curled up in excruciating pain.

Ginuwine quickly walked out of the room to find Dr. Rease, but didn't have to go far because she was hurriedly heading his way.

"I just saw Mariah's pain chart and I think it's time to start pushing!", Dr. Rease said excitedly.

"Really?", Ginuwine said as his eyes lit up.

"Yes", Dr. Rease explained as she entered Mariah's room.

She did a quick examination and concluded that Mariah was ready to start pushing.

Ginuwine quickly hurried to go get Diane and Aaliyah from the waiting room, the only people he and Mariah wanted in the room to witness the birth of their twins.

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