Jhanak and aditya rushes anirudh to the hospital

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Arshi tells Shreya that I have to go to Mumbai. Shreya asks arshi why do you have to go to Mumbai. Arshi tells Shreya that anirudh has met with an accident and I have to go and meet him. Shreya agrees.

Arshi leaves the house. Arshi rushes herself by running on the road. Sneha asks arshi do you need a lift. Arshi tells sneha that I need a lift. Sneha agrees.

Aditya and Jhanak rushes on the road and they find anirudh's bracelet on the ground. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh left his bracelet here. Jhanak tells Aditya that anirudh is inside the ambulance. Aditya asks Jhanak should we go in the ambulance. Jhanak tells Aditya that I guess that we can go in the ambulance. Aditya agrees.

Jhanak and Aditya goes into the ambulance. Jhanak holds anirudh's face. Jhanak says anirudh you can't die. Anirudh is seriously injured from his accident. The ambulance starts moving. Anirudh starts to have breathing problems. Aditya tries to help anirudh and he breathes in the mask. Jhanak says to anirudh that I'm holding your hand and you will never leave me.  Aditya tells Jhanak that nothing won't happen to anirudh . Jhanak agrees.

Aditya and Jhanak arrives to the hospital. Aditya and Jhanak rushes anirudh to the hospital. Doctor comes. Aditya tells the doctor to save anirudh in danger. The doctor tells Aditya that we will try our best to save him. Aditya agrees.

Jhanak breaks down on the floor. Aditya sits down on the floor with jhanak. Aditya asks Jhanak what's wrong. Jhanak tells Aditya that I don't want anirudh to die in my life. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh will be fine. Jhanak cries.

Next part of the story......

Anirudh has lost his memory. Aditya tells Jhanak that I feel that Anirudh has forgotten everything. Jhanak tells Aditya that you have memory loss in the past. Aditya tells Jhanak that I suffer from this for a few days and then I got my memories back. Jhanak tells Aditya that I'm sure that anirudh will get his memory back soon. Aditya agrees.

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