Aditya, jhanak and anirudh's family rushes to the hospital for anirudh

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Jhanak finds aditya disappointed. Jhanak asks Aditya what's wrong. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh has met with an accident. Jhanak tells Aditya that I hope that anirudh is okay. Aditya tells Jhanak that nothing won't happen to anirudh. Jhanak agrees.

Aditya tells shristi that anirudh has met with an accident. Shristi asks Aditya where is anirudh. Aditya tells shristi that anirudh is in the hospital. Shristi tells Saroj to inform this news to arshi. Saroj tells shristi that I will inform this news to arshi. Shristi agrees.

Everyone leaves the house and anirudh is rushed to the hospital and is taken in the emergency room. Aditya, jhanak and anirudh's family reaches the hospital. Arshi is sleeping in her bed. Saroj calls arshi on her phone. Arshi picks up the call. Saroj tells arshi that anirudh has met with an accident. Arshi tells Saroj that I'm coming. Saroj agrees.

Saroj ends the call. Aditya, Jhanak and anirudh's family are in the hospital. Doctor comes. Aditya asks the doctor how is anirudh. The doctor tells Aditya that anirudh is in critical condition and he needs surgery to save his life in danger. Aditya tells the doctor that we want anirudh to become alright. The doctor tells Aditya that we are going to try our best to save him. Aditya agrees.

Jhanak breaks down. Aditya asks Jhanak what's wrong. Jhanak tells Aditya that I'm worried about anirudh. Aditya tells Jhanak that there is no need to cry. Jhanak asks Aditya will anirudh be okay. Aditya tells Jhanak that I can trust you that anirudh will be okay. Jhanak agrees.

Doctor comes and says that anirudh needs o negative blood to save his life. Doctor asks who will have that blood group. Nurse tells them that they have other patients in this hospital doesn't have this blood group and it's hard to get this blood in o negative blood. Arshi reaches the hospital. Arshi says that my blood group is b+. Aditya tells arshi that I'm o negative. Jhanak says I'm also o negative. Aditya tells the doctor that myself and Jhanak will give blood to save anirudh's life. Doctor agrees.

Nurse comes to them. Both Aditya and Jhanak are taken in the same room. They both hold their hands together. Nurse takes the blood in their arms. Aditya tells Jhanak that I'm very proud of you. Jhanak tells Aditya that I knew that you can do it. Aditya agrees.

Will anirudh recover from the accident.

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