Anirudh in critical condition

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Jhanak tells Aditya that I don't want anirudh to die. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh will never die. Jhanak agrees.

Jhanak hugs Aditya. Doctor comes out from the room. Jhanak asks the doctor how is anirudh now. Doctor tells Jhanak that anirudh is in critical condition. Aditya asks the doctor why is anirudh so critical. The doctor tells Aditya that anirudh needs blood in order to save his life in danger. Aditya agrees.

Aditya asks the doctor what is anirudh's blood group. The doctor tells Aditya that his blood group is b+. Aditya tells the doctor that I'm b+ and I can give blood to anirudh. The doctor tells Aditya that I will arrange a nurse for you. Aditya agrees.

Jhanak asks Aditya will anirudh be okay. Aditya tells Jhanak that I can trust you that anirudh will be okay. Jhanak asks Aditya are you sure. Aditya tells Jhanak that I'm sure about this. Jhanak agrees.

Nurse comes. Aditya asks the nurse what are you doing here for. The nurse tells Aditya that I came here to take your blood test. Aditya asks the nurse will the blood test hurt me. The nurse tells Aditya that the blood test won't hurt you. Aditya agrees.

Jhanak asks Aditya where are you going. Aditya tells Jhanak that I'm going for blood test. Jhanak agrees.

Aditya leaves. Aditya lies down on the bed. The nurse takes some blood in Aditya's hand. Jhanak prays to god for anirudh's health.

Next part of this story...

Aditya and Jhanak walks in the icu room. Anirudh is sleeping. Jhanak asks Aditya when will anirudh wake up. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh will wake up on tomorrow morning. Jhanak agrees.

Will anirudh wake up or will he die instead.

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