Jhanak gets tensed about anirudh's health condition

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Jhanak asks Aditya will anirudh be okay from his accident. Aditya tells Jhanak that I'm sure that anirudh will be okay from his accident. Jhanak agrees.

Doctor puts blood into the bottle. Doctor comes out from the room. Doctor tells everyone that anirudh is saved now. Jhanak tells Aditya that we did it. Aditya hugs Jhanak. Arshi asks the doctor when can we all go and meet anirudh. The doctor tells arshi that we will allow them to visit anirudh once he comes to his senses. Arshi agrees.

Doctor leaves. Aditya and Jhanak are in the room. Anirudh's family and arshi went home now. Aditya and Jhanak are sleeping in the room till anirudh wakes up. Next day, a bright sunshine blocks the view. Aditya doesn't find Jhanak. Aditya goes out from the room and finds Jhanak. Aditya tells Jhanak that I have been looking for you everywhere. Jhanak tells Aditya that I want to buy some flowers for anirudh. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh will like that. Jhanak agrees.

Aditya is driving his car. Jhanak can feel the breeze from the car window. Arshi arrives to the hospital. She finds anirudh not on the bed. Shristi meets arshi in a mood. Arshi tells shristi that anirudh is missing. Shristi tells arshi to report this news to Aditya. Arshi tells shristi that I will report this news to Aditya. Shristi agrees.

Arshi tells to herself that I hope that anirudh isn't in trouble. Anirudh is kidnapped by the goons. Aditya gets a call from arshi. Aditya picks up the call. Arshi tells Aditya that anirudh is missing. Aditya tells arshi that anirudh was in the hospital on last night and this morning he has disappeared. Arshi tells Aditya to find anirudh for me. Aditya tells arshi that I promise you that I will go and find anirudh. Arshi agrees.

Aditya ends the call. Aditya stops his car in his anger. Jhanak asks Aditya what's wrong. Aditya tells Jhanak that anirudh is kidnapped. Jhanak asks Aditya who would kidnap anirudh. Aditya tells Jhanak that I don't know. Jhanak agrees.

Jhanak tells Aditya that I want to go with you. Aditya tells Jhanak that this is too dangerous for you as I want to do this by my own. Jhanak tells aditya that I want you to be okay. Aditya tells Jhanak that I will be fine. Jhanak agrees.

Will Aditya be able to find anirudh on this mission or not

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