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General Info:

Full Name: Alec

Age: 15

Race/Ethnicity: White

Possesses: Lonely Freddy

First Appearance: Lonely Freddy

Latest Appearance: Lonely Freddy

Role: Lead Character

Status: "Alive"

Killer: Lonely Freddy


"They only started to think I was the bad one when they figured out you were the good one." 


-Alec is not in the games. 

Difference from Games:

-Alec is only in the books.

Short Bio:

Alec is considered the "bad kid" in his family. He never listens to his parents and acts rude to everyone around him. Alec only acts this way because his parents always saw his regular kid behavior as "bad," especially when his sister Hazel came around and acted like a "perfect angel" compared to him. All he wants is to be understood. 

Fazbear Frights #1:

Alec isn't in this book.

Fazbear Frights #2:

Alec appears in the second story of this book. Growing up, he's always been seen as a troublemaker by his parents, and when his sister came along, they always compared him to her. Because of this, Alec didn't like his sister. Near her birthday however, Hazel told Alec she would start misbehaving to mess with their parents, Alec saw this as an opportunity to "expose" Hazel. Alec has never believed Hazel is truly nice, he thinks it's all an act. So Hazel starts misbehaving and Alec starts behaving, after a while, they actually start to get along. On the day of Hazel's birthday, Alec wants to win the Yarg Foxy that is being sold at Freddy's. The only way to get it is to win a special ticket, which Alec finds lying around. But, when Hazel gets to go into a sort of ticket blaster thing, she wins a ticket and wins the Yarg Foxy, which makes Alec mad. It turned out Hazel wanted to win it for him, and the reason she wanted to act "bad" was because she thought it would get Alec to like her. Alec doesn't buy this and thinks Hazel is just trying to make him look like the bad guy, and it works because his parents think he's being rude. But Hazel is genuinely just a nice girl. Alec destroys the Yarg Foxy out of anger and runs away into a back room. Alec comes face to face with a Lonely Freddy, who begins to ask him questions. One question he asks him is what his biggest regret is. Alec's biggest regret is being mean to Hazel, and when he admits this, the Lonely Freddy switches bodies with him. Alec doesn't realize it at first. He is unable to move, but then he manages to open his eyes and move around, the only thing he can't do is talk, because he doesn't have lips anymore. He watches in horror as he sees HIMSELF talking with Hazel. He tries to get people's attention, but a kid throws up on him and an employee picks him up and throws him in the dumpster, where many other Lonely Freddy's are there too. 

Fazbear Frights #3:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #4:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #5:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #6:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #7:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #8:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #9:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #10:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #11:

Alec is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #12: 

Alec is not in this book.

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