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General Info:

Full Name: Hazel

Age: 10 (11 on birthday) 

Race/Ethnicity: White

Possesses: N/A

First Appearance: Lonely Freddy

Latest Appearance: Lonely Freddy

Role: Alec's Sister

Status: Alive

Killer: N/A



-Hazel is not in the games.

Difference from Games:

-Hazel is only in the books.

Short Bio:

Hazel is Alec's younger sister. She is seen as a "perfect" child by her parents, earning her the nickname, "Golden Hazel." She is a sweet and perfect girl who only wishes to get along with her brother, but Alec thinks she's extremely selfish and wants her to die....no he doesn't, just a meme reference. Anyway, it is theorized Hazel may have gotten body swapped with a Lonely Freddy herself. 

Fazbear Frights #1:

Hazel isn't in this book.

Fazbear Frights #2:

Hazel appears in the second story of this book. In this book, she wants to act bad like Alec, Alec isn't sure why but he goes along with it. Hazel continues to act bad the whole book, which confuses her parents. On the day of the party, she's not as energetic, and seems to have no interest in playing the party games, but her mom forces Alec to get her to participate. When she does, she wins a special ticket that earns her the Yarg Foxy toy, she isn't too excited about it. It is then revealed the reason she didn't want to play is because she knew Alec wanted to win the Yarg Foxy, but since she won it, she gives it to him. Turns out the reason she was acting bad was because she thought it was the only way Alec would like her. Alec thinks she's just pretending to be perfect to make him look bad so he breaks the Foxy plush and runs off. Later, Hazel goes looking for him and finds the Foxy plush destroyed, she believes Alec hates her, and she doesn't know why. But "Alec" comes back later and he and Hazel hangout again, but it is actually Lonely Freddy possessing Alec's body. 

Fazbear Frights #3:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #4:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #5:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #6:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #7:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #8:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #9:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #10:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #11:

Hazel is not in this book.

Fazbear Frights #12:

Hazel is not in this book.

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