When you're sad: Leonardo

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After hanging out with Leo, you went home to check on your parents. You walked into your house and spotted a note.

We are going out of town for a few months on a business trip. We added plenty of money to your bank account for food and other essentials. Don't work too hard and we'll see you when we get back.
With love,
Mom and Dad

You realized that whatever your parents were doing, couldn't be good. You did some research on the building they work at and discovered that they were sent to Dimension X.... and mutated.....

You called Leo in a fit of tears.


"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He asked in panic.

"M-My parents... I-I" you tried to explain but you were crying to hard.

"I'm on my way." He said before hanging up and bursting through the door two minutes later. In that time you calmed down enough to tell Leo what was wrong.

"My p-parents. Mutated.." You stuttered as you showed him your research.

"I'm really sorry (y/n)... The Kraang dismantled most of the portals. It's going to take a while to get them back..." He said and you started to tear up again. He understood that words wouldn't help at the moment, so he wrapped you in his arms and brought you to the lair.

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