Chapter One

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ATTENTION PLEASE READ: Just a quick reminder that this book, Royal Love is copyrighted and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work can and will be punished by law.

Hey guys, before you guys read on I really don't want anyone copying this book or the plot or the dialouge to this book  and if you do there will be consequences  because I thought of this plot and it's original so if anyone see's a book with a similar plot to mine please tell me.  Also  I don't want to hear trolls bothering me about what I'm writing not being right or realistic, for example if a character calls a character stupid I don't want to  see people all like "No one says that in the middle  ages!1!1!!1!1!" because I tried to make this story realistic but then sorta realized, well--this story would be boring lol! So  I hope you guys like this. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-

I sat in my room. Waiting. I know what's coming very soon.  The wind from the window swished in my room once again, I heard a knock on the door and gasped. It's time!

"Yes?" I  questioned without walking towards the door.

"Your mother is calling you, princess  Amelia," The knight stated.     

"Thank you  sir Silver, you are dismissed," I stated then heard him start to walk away, I knew it was sir Silver who was speaking because  I am used to his voice, but all that doesn't  matter because now I  get to meet the prince of my dreams, I have been dreaming of this moment  since my  mother told me the stories about her marriage,  I mean what kind of princess doesn't want to be married to a prince?? Once a princess reaches a mature age the king and queen throw a huge  ball in the your name, the prince is always charming and polite, you get to wear the most fantasizing  dress that makes  princesses across the globe envy you, and once you and your prince are married two kingdoms  unite, and that's just the first step of taking over a kingdom.  I walked  over to my vanity table and looked at myself in the mirror, my  long hair is neat, silky and beautiful, my emerald green eyes  is filled with curiosity of how he will look like, I giggled and made my way down the stairs, but nice and slowly like my mother told me to do, because  it brings suspense, not only to you but the prince as well.  He will wonder 'how will she look like' and once he see's me we would certainly fall in love. That's how it works... right? Once I made my way to the throne room  I felt taken back at the  prince who stood in front of  my parents, he was indeed beautiful, I continued to slowly walk until I stopped beside him facing  my parents feeling proud and extremely happy about this moment.

"Amelia, this is prince Shadow. The one you will be marrying in a few months,"  Mother told me.

"Greetings princess Amelia," Prince Shadow greeted while kindly taking my hand and kissing it, while he did so he kept  his eyes on me the whole time which didn't give  me a very good feeling, he has the prettiest ruby red eyes  but the way he stared  at me didn't exactly  feel so comforting.  After he stopped we turned back to my parents.

"I would like you two to get to know each other, the carriage is waiting  outside," Mother added, Shadow held out his hand but I hesitated to actually hold it, but I did. We both walked away, I glanced behind me to  see  my mother smiling and waving 'goodbye' to us, both mother and I have been dreaming of this moment, we were obsessing over it  but why exactly doesn't  it feel right  then?  I pushed each thought to the back of my head, obviously   I have to get to know him first, it's not like you ever feel comfortable talking to a stranger. Mother  did say that it takes time and that I may not fall in love with him at first, this  just needs more time. I entered the carriage with  him. Once the carriage started to move I  didn't hesitate to talk to Shadow.

"So how are  the villages in your kingdom doing?" I questioned, Shadow looked at me. I actually adore villagers, they are so much nicer than princesses who whine about everything, not every princess is like that  but most are... villagers are always so nice and kind and very hardworking. Sometimes it's just great to take a break from the castle and visit them.

Royal Love(ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now