Chapter Fifty Six

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Hey guys, this book is really long I mean I looked back and I didn't even notice it's pretty much been a year since I first started this lmaoo. Also I started a new book called ShadAmy lemon and the first chapter is up there. For those of you who already read the first chapter and forgot to add it to your libraries there is a message in the second chapter that I want you to read. Also this chapter is pretty boring but the next chapter is something else and I am already almost finished writing it so expect it soon unless I want to save it for next week. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV, Nine O' Clock at Night- 

"So how was it?" I ask, as Shadow and I wander the hallways of the dark chilly castle, hand in hand. We hardly have seen each other all day today, Shadow had business to do with his father and Queen Regina and I had some interesting conversations together throughout the day.

"It was fine, I really want to talk to him again soon," Shadow replies.

"Once again, I'm so, so sorry I couldn't spend time with you today, I know shouldn't have left you alone but I also thought it was best to get this over with so I can spend as much time with you in the future and—"

"Hey, hey it's okay, it's okay!" I giggled as I cut him off from his rambling.

"We can spend time with each other anytime," I reminded him.

"Well thanks for understanding...but anyways, it went fine, it's just... there are some stuff he says that I can't just stop thinking about... I don't understand what he means!" Shadow explained, just looking at him I could tell he seems to be frustrated at whatever Dr. Eggman had said to him. I don't want this to get to him too much, we don't need the both of us to be stressed.

"What is it?" I dare to ask.

"He's talking about these stupid gems. He wants me to use them somehow but he won't even tell me what they are or give me any details. All I know is that his grandfather studied on them," Shadow tells me.

"Oh, what's his grandfather's name?" I question, Shadow froze for a moment.

"Oh...well... I didn't get his name...heh," He replied nervously, I stop to cross my arms and give Shadow a glare.

"Don't you think that getting a name would be important?" I nagged.

"Well I didn't even know I was going to be there with him, especially alone!" Shadow defended himself.

"Alone?!" I shriek, what was he thinking? He can't be alone with Dr. Eggman! It's dangerous and stupid. He is literally the same man who almost killed him, why would Shadow ever think it would be a good idea to be with him alone again?

"Oh...oops," Was all he could say, I roll my eyes and decided to walk past him instead of nagging him for what he did or could have done. As long as he knows I'm disappointed he would already regret it so there is no need to make him feel even worse.

"Hey! But see! This is why you should have came with me! You would have been a great help if you were there," He says truthfully as he walked up.

"Shadow, I made up my mind...and it remains the same, I'm not going. Just take care of it please...write down your questions for him next time," I told him, Shadow looked disappointed, which made my heart sink but I just shook it off easily. I do not want to be near that man, I don't even want Shadow near that man. The farther I am away from Dr. Eggman, the better.

"So, what's Dr. Eggman's full name, maybe we can locate his grandfather," I suggested.

"His name is Dr. Eggman Robotnik," Shadow answers.

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