Chapter Thirty Nine

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Soooo... plot two will start in like four to five chapters and honestly I'm excited however I need to think about a certain chapter some more.... But I will be writing my next book soon, I have an idea for a cover but it might change in the future and I have an idea for a title but I will not say it yet. I think I'm going to start writing it sometime while I'm writing plot two because to get a few chapters ready before I officially release it. Now the thing is when I write it I have to feel pretty emotional because I don't know it just helps, the first few chapters will be emotional anyway. Now to ask you guys something. Would you like a playlist in the book? I mean I thought of  putting a playlist before it starts and as the chapters go on I continue to add to that playlist but I don't really know how if I'm going to do it. I have like five songs for it already and I'm even thinking of songs for the future of that book, but I don't want to think about it too much. Anyway I'm making an interview thing for the next chapter so y'all could drop your questions now. I will explain the rules and all in the next chapter. By the way I edited chapter three so if you guys want go check it out! I only edited one part so don't expect dramatic changes. Also I would like to thank everyone for the support on this book recently, it means a lot. I mean despite this book not being finished it's about to get more reads, it already has more votes and is in more reading lists than my other book  (which is finished) Heart Broken. Which is good I guess because even I like this book better than Heart Broken. Plot two is going to be so exciting and intense to write but unfortunately I have to wait for everything to fall into place before we reach the second climax, and you guys do too. Just be patient. Sorry for making you guys wait. Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV, About Three Days Later-

Well my in laws are back, however we are not in the castle right now. We are in princess Maya's and prince Harry's castle right now. And we are currently having dinner, today is supposed to be the day we finally close off the deal.

"So the last time we were here we discussed about you guys sending us 180 potatoes to us but we haven't heard your side of the bargain yet," Princess Maya stated.

"Of course, Amelia and I came to the agreement to settle with you guys giving us 111 chickens every two months instead of you having to deliver 80 chickens and 20 eggs every month or so," I announced as Amy nodded in agreement, prince Harry and princess Maya exchanged looks before turning back to us with bright smiles.

"I think that works great! Perfectly reasonable," Prince Harry nodded and called one of his servants forward.

"Fredrick here will write up the contract. You are dismissed Fredrick, now how are the two of you?" Prince Harry questioned. Life has been pretty calming recently. Nothing too over dramatic happening, just some quality time with my wife. But before I could even answer Amy beat me to it.

"We're doing great! Shadow's birthday is coming up in October!" Amy grinned at me, I couldn't help but smile at her. I don't want to celebrate my birthday this year. I mean don't get me wrong if someone is planning to give me presents this year then I will happily accept them. It's just that I don't want to have a big party or a ball. I've been to like four parties last month.

"Oh really! That must be so exciting! When is the ball?" Princess Maya gushed.

"Actually, I'm not planning a big celebration for my birthday this year, so there will be no party," I informed them. And immediately Amy's sparkly eyes shimmered down.

"Why?" She asked, her big green puppy dog eyes pleading, I turned away from her to resist the cuteness.

"I just don't feel in the mood for a party this year. I just want some rest,"  I explained, prince Harry nodded his head as if he understands what I'm saying, however Amy is looking at me with a straight face, I could only imagine what's going on inside her head. Probably something along the lines of: You already got tons of rest, you idiot! However Amy is smarter than to bully me in public so I sent a mocking smirk to her in response.

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