Chapter Thirty Two

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-A Day Later, Amy's POV-

Well lately I've been calm.  I just embraced the fact that it's over. When I think about what happened  it just really gets to me, I start having really deep thoughts and I would end up crying. Which  is why I would often try to switch my thoughts instantly after thinking about Shadow. I just can't let him hurt me.


"See this is what is wrong with you princess, you're way too nice! Yes you're mother and father have the kingdom under control but I still hear robberies happening once in awhile, it never happened once as long as I reined," Queen Regina boasted. I felt like being nice was the best thing to do do though. So I spoke my mind.

"My mother taught me if I treat the villagers with respect then they will treat you with respect back the same way," I explained. Queen Regina laughed.

"Princess, princess. You don't get respect for showing other's respect have you ever been nice to someone but all they did was treat you terrible back?" She spat, I knew what she was right so I slowly nodded my head.

"See? This world isn't a nice place, you don't earn respect by love, you earn it by fear!" She exclaimed.

~End Of Flashback~

Well I still don't agree with the whole fear part. She is correct though because I treated Shadow with respect, in fact  I tried to spend  my time to get to know him and understand him three days ago but he literally pushed me away. In fact I remember the queen saying a lot of notable stuff back at the Mobius games.....


"Now you see Shadow, do you love him?" She questioned.

"Indeed," I replied.

"How much?" She questioned yet again.

"With all my heart I guess,"

"Amelia darling I want you to imagine a day Shadow breaks your heart, what will you do?" Queen Regina asked. I hesitated, I was confused I looked at her for a moment before speaking once again.

"Shadow wouldn't do that to me," I simply stated. Queen Regina grinned.

"The answer is to break his, princess,"

"But I would never do that to him and he wouldn't do it to me! We both love each other," I said, feeling taken back by her words. I felt her hands being placed on my shoulders, she looked at  me with her sparkly golden eyes.

"I understand if you have a loving relationship,  but I am trying to prepare you for when bad things happen, you have to be strong during these times Amelia,"

"Now tell me, what would you do if he just spat you out? What if he had an affair with another princess?"  I felt heartbroken because I didn't know what I would do. I would probably sit there and cry.  I probably wouldn't get over it for the longest time.  

"I-I don't know..." I replied sadly, thinking about it all made me stressed out. I looked down with disappointment.

"See what I mean Amelia? And you never really know what's coming for you. When these things happen     be strong, in fact if I were you I would distance myself from Shadow a bit, it could help you from becoming so broken," She advised. I looked up at the queen and smiled.

"I will be strong my queen, but I will not distance myself from him. I love him," I reminded her, then the queen smiled at me.

"I'm glad you acknowledge your feelings to him. You just be smart okay? You're lucky to have such a relationship  with my son, I have heard from your parents that he has matured. He used to be so reckless," The queen shook her head as she spoke.

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