Chapter Sixty Five

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If you read the last chapter before it was gone it changed a bit. Enjoy! <

-Amy's POV-

Cosmo and her husband--I mean boyfriend Espio has paid us a visit today. We told them everything that happened from when we visited Summerview, from the very beginning to the part where my parents told us about their crazy idea about us taking over their positions.

"I think you guys will do just fine. You've both been doing this and it's not like you have to do it right now anyways, right?" Cosmo stated.

"Yeah, only a few years later," Espio added.

"Those few years later will go by very fast," Shadow sighs as if he were an exhausted king that had a long day.

"You guys will be fine.. It's just the same boring politic and royal stuff you two do now, right?" Cosmo tells us cheerily. They are trying to cheer us up and be positive which is fine but Shadow and I both know ruling Summerview won't be easy.

There is no making this sound easy and Espio and Cosmo know that. I may not get that much work (only because Shadow takes most of it for himself) but I have plenty of reading and plenty of lessons I still have to manage. I can not imagine how it will be to be queen. Shadow and I go out on dates as much as possible but my parents don't, and I know it's not because they don't want to. It is because they are too occupied for it. Summerview is the largest kingdom out there, glorious, but hard to maintain.

We really appreciate the cheer they are bringing us though.

We need the positivity.

"Wow. You two have no idea," Shadow grumbled lowly once again.

"I'm sure you two will be fine," Espio states. 

"Besides you have us! We may not know how to do what you do but we will always be there if you need any emotional support," Cosmo tells us with a huge flashy smile on her face. Mine and Shadow's faces instantly brighten up to that comment. 

Of course, they are our friends! This whole time I thought only Shadow and I would have each other to lean on. But Cosmo has always stood by me through thick and thin, and Espio betrayed the man who practically raised him yet he still turned and fought him alongside with us.

Cosmo and Espio and all my friends have all been nothing but beautiful to me. 

"And if you need anyone to vent to I will be all ears. I never say that to anyone so that's how you know I care," Espio says to us.

"You guys are amazing, thank you. How are you two anyway?" Shadow and I smirk as we lean in on the table closer to them. Both their cheeks flush as they avoid our curious gazes until they found each other's.

"We--uh--we are getting a bit serious now," Cosmo says, reddening even more than she was before.

"Wowie. I can't wait to give you a payback speech at your wedding like you did at mine," I tell her with an evil grin, Shadow chuckled a bit to himself and Espio couldn't really stop either. It didn't feel that long ago when Cosmo randomly gave us a wedding speech forcing us two to kiss in front of everyone, back when our love wasn't as strong.

"As if! You know you can't embarrass me," Cosmo smirks back..

"Oh that so?" I ask her. Cosmo folds her arms over her chest and grins at me, nodding her head. I reply with a challenging grin!

"Hey Espio, do you know what Cosmo says about you to me when you aren't around?" I ask him while still staring at Cosmo. Her face instantly pales before flushing a deep red the second time this night.

"No but I'd love to find out," Espio tells me with a grin on his face as well!

"Oh Amy, Espio is so cool, did you know he can camouflage oh my goodness the way he uses his chaos emerald, he's so brave aaaahhh!"I mock Cosmo in an overly high pitched voice.

Shadow and Espio both wail with laughter as Cosmo blushes even harder but let out a small giggle here and there as well.

"I wouldn't be laughing Amy, I have years and years of stories about you talking about Shadow!" She counters.

"Remember your reaction when you found out you had to sleep in the same bed as him before you were married?" She reminds me.

"Amy, you didn't know that?" Espio questions.

"Where did you think I would sleep? The couch?" Shadow questioned out of curiosity.

"I just didn't think of it," defend. 

"Oh Cosmo, Shadow is so romantic but I hate him and he is such a jerk!" Cosmo mocked my sixteen year old attitude.

Espio probably laughed the loudest over all of us, because of that Shadow got protective.

"Wait Espio, you shouldn't be laughing. Remember you with your girl? Cosmo is the most annoying girl I ever met but she gets me, you know what I am saying bro?" Shadow made his voice too deep to mock Espio's voice.

"Because Shadow wants to bring up what I said about Cosmo, we should talk about Shadow talking about his wife--"

-Later That Day-

Cosmo and Espio left. We said our goodbyes and they left to go back wherever. Now we are talking to Nazo. He followed his dad to another kingdom for a meeting with other kings and queens and princes and princesses. 

"I just hope that you didn't scare off anyone of the females you probably flirted wi--"Before Shadow could finish his sentence, his brother cut him off.

"I didn't flirt with any females, Shadow. I was actually too busy working," Nazo says.

"Oh?" Shadow and I both say at the same time.

"Yeah, I couldn't even stare at them with him around," Nazo says, referring to 'him' as his father.

"Been there done that my friend, he'll get over it and loosen up though," If someone told me while I was married to Shadow after the whole fiasco with his father happened, that Mephiles, the big scary man who is the king of Twilight kingdom was going to be closer to me I would be mad. I disliked Mephiles so much but now he's not so bad.

Shadow is closer with his parents and his brother. There is so much that has happened. Even more will happen once Shadow and I rule the kingdom. Maybe I am looking forward to it. Maybe.

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