Chapter Sixty Two

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Hey guys. Just telling you all now that this book is almost over, thank you all for always reading. I will try to make the next few chapters a bit funnier or something for you guys. Thank you again. Enjoy! 

-Shadow's POV, Before the Ball-

The ballroom right now consists mainly of decorations, people running around trying to get things in order, and my own mother yelling at the top of her lungs to get these people moving faster. It turns out some guests, also known as Cosmo and Espio, chose to come two hours early. It is what they are used to, they always come early so they can hang out with us. However, this is my parents we are talking about. My mother refused to let them take a foot inside until the place is all ready, after some persistence, she at least agreed to let them inside the castle but they are prohibited to be inside the ballroom.

"That lady is scary, how did you manage to live with that?" Cosmo questioned bitterly.

"Cosmo, you can't just ask people that, it's rude," Espio scolded her.

"Well I mean I guess it is, but I genuinely want to know, she sounds so mean," Cosmo pouts.

"She's really nice once you actually get to know her," Amy defends my mother.

"Yo, I heard people talking smack. C'mon, lemme hear it," Nazo greets as he walks in. Cosmo runs up to him.

"Hey! It's Nazo boy! How are you doing, my good pal?" Cosmo says teasingly, with a huge grin on her face, while Nazo rolls his eyes at the Seedrian.

"I told you not to call me that," Nazo says as he points at Cosmo.

"Oh, Nazo boy, just like everyone else, it's okay, soon you will learn that I basically do whatever I want," Cosmo smiles.

"Amy..." He groans. "I don't like her!"

"She's really nice once you get to know her," Amy replies.

"That's the second time you have said that today," I remind her.

"Before the ball ends, I believe I will be saying that phrase a few more times as well," She sighs quietly.

"True! Don't you have to be nice to everyone and kiss their butts so they can donate to the—"

"Cosmo!" Espio cuts his girlfriend off.

"I'm not kissing anyone's butt, if they want to donate they can donate, nobody is forcing them to do anything," Amy answers, even though Cosmo could not finish her question thanks to Espio.

"Yeah! The only butt Amy will be kissing is mine!" I say loudly as I wrap my arm around her and bring her close to me. Espio immediately starts laughing.

"Seriously?" I hear my wife groan.

"Awwww!" Cosmo squeals.

"Gosh you guys are gross," I hear Nazo mutter under his breath.

"It's ready! You all can come in now! Nazo, Amelia, Shadow, go get changed into your formal attire like I asked you!" Mother yells all the way across the room.

"We'll be back downstairs in about ten to fifteen minutes, you can wait in the room while you wait for us," Amy tells Cosmo and Espio.


"No making out in the ballroom!" I teasingly say as Amy and I begin walking away.

"Yup! Cosmo make sure you keep your panties on, and keep it in pants Espio, remember that you two are not married yet!!" Amy calls out without turning around to face them.

"Hey! We didn't—ugh!" We both heard Cosmo yell back while Espio also yells at us. We quietly snicker as we run upstairs to our room.

-At the Ball-

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