Chapter Two

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-Amy's POV In Her Castle-

Shadow has left and I have some guests coming over soon, but stupid Shadow over here  didn't give  me enough time to explore the forest, in fact  I actually have  a special  friend in the forest that I want to visit, I grabbed  my  cloak and walked downstairs to the throne room so I could find my mother.

"Mom, may I please go out for another walk," I questioned.

"But you just went out," She  stated, I just smiled and shrugged.

"Fine, but first tell me about what you thought about Shadow," She stated. Do I tell her? Maybe I can fix  Shadow, he's young, one day he will  be ruling this kingdom and stop acting like such a flirt, maybe  if I'm mature enough he will be too, for now  I guess I could say everything is okay. Besides, I don't want to disappoint mother, look at that smile on her face....

"Oh. He is... charming..." I lied.  Mother smiled at my answer, who can disappoint that face.

"That's great  sweetie, sir Silver!!" Mother called.

"Yes, your majesty," He answered.

"Please bring my daughter for a walk, she needs to come back before tea time with her friends," She instructed.

"Yes, your majesty," Sir Silver stated, soon we were walking off, I put on my cloak. Once we were in the village, Silver and I stopped at the food  market.

"Hey Silver, can  you give me a favor?" I questioned.

"What will that be, princess?"

"I want you to find-- umm.... a pear that looks like a grape!" I yelled, I'm just trying to find something to keep  him busy while I go run off into the woods once again.

"What?" He puzzled.

"Or a grape that looks like a pear! Oh and the grape has to be purple! I will be looking too, bye-bye!" I yelled running off  getting lost in the crowds, once  I lost  him I made my way to the forest  and didn't stop  walking until I faced  a pink cherry blossom tree.  I grinned at the sight of it's beauty and how easy it was to get away from that guard....

"You can come out now," I stated, suddenly the tree turned into a green seedian, my friend named Cosmo.

"Hello princess Amelia!" She greeted me with a smile.

"Cosmo I told you to call me  Amy," I groaned while sitting down, she sat next to me. I allow my friends to call me Amy  because  none of us are above each other so what's really the point of saying "Princess this" and "Princess that". If one of my friends or even if I become queen before my friends do then they could me  Amelia.

"Well sorry," She stated. Although Cosmo isn't a princess  she is a Seedian which is a really beautiful and really rare creature, so they are respected in many kingdoms.

"So I heard you got to  meet your lucky prince today!" She  squealed, I rolled my eyes.

"Is he handsome?" She questioned, I heaved out a sigh.


"Do your parents like him?"


"Did you hold hands?" She still questioned  while maybe even daydreaming a bit, I heaved out a sigh and rolled my eyes. I'm supposed to be excited about this.


"Did you go somewhere romantic?"  Well I ran into the forest and the forest is always a beautiful place... we went for a walk too and there were flowers growing around the paths we walked.

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