Chapter Five

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Hey guys there is a picture at the side that was not made by me (lol none of them was made by me) so take a look. >>>>>> Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV After The Party Was Done-

Amy and I now have a room to ourselves, as I read a book Amy layed down on the bed without covering herself with the blankets, she wore a blue silky night gown and she looks up at the ceiling blankly.

"What do married couples even do after they are married?" She questioned without taking her eyes off the ceiling.

"Sex," I answered without taking my eyes off the book I'm reading or caring about how pissed off Amy would be after I said something like that, but she actually giggled. She giggled.

"Which is what we're not going to do, right Shadow?" She questioned with a grin while finally looking at me, I can't believe she actually laughed a bit. I thought she would scold me for making her feel 'uncomfortable' or some stupid thing like that.

"Aw, I actually thought I had a chance," I stated with some sarcasm as I closed my book and got into bed. Seeing Amy actually smile like that was actually nice for once, usually she's so uptight and naggy that it's just fun to mess with her sometimes.

"You know, I actually enjoy being called someone's wife, but then I remember I'm your wife and I feel terrible once again," She joked. I threw my head back and laughed a bit, it seems like Amy does have a sense of humor after all.

"Well I'm going to bed now, good night," I stated before dozing off.

-Minutes Later-

I woke up in the middle of the night to actually see Amy staring out to the balcony, what is she doing? I wondered.

"Why are you up? What time is it?" I questioned. Amy turned her head and blushed a bit.

"Um... you went to sleep about half an hour ago," She told me.

"Okay, then why are you up?" I questioned with some attitude, I don't exactly mean to sound that rude but I am cranky when I'm tired.

"I-I was just thinking," She explained while coming closer to the bed, Amy seems to be bothered by something but I don't know or care what it is.

"Well we have a long day tomorrow, or today.... whatever time it is... but we need to get to bed now," I informed her, Amy nodded her head and shyly made her way to the bed but hesitating a bit.

"What is it now?" I groaned.

"What side of the bed do you like sleeping on?" She questioned, I rolled my eyes to her question.

"What side of the bed do I like sleeping on? Obviously the side I am currently sleeping on!" I snapped, Amy blushed a little more.

"Well... it's just that, that's my favourite side too," Amy stated, I rolled my eyes.

"Oh well... I guess you're going to have to sleep on me," I stated without a care and with a lazy grin, Amy's face was defiantly blushing now. But probably not in a good way.

"At least be a gentlemen and move over, you jerk!" Amy snapped, I heaved out a sigh.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!" I moaned while moving over so Amy could finally sleep. She crawled into bed and layed down, finally.

-Amy's POV-

"My queen, my queen! We ran out of white wine, what shall we do?" A servant questioned.

"My queen, my queen! There is a thief on the lose!" Another servant notified me.

"My queen, which shade of white shall we use for the tea party?" A servant questioned, all at once servants ran towards me asking me too many questions.

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