Chapter Fifty Eight

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-Amy's POV, Two Weeks Later-

"And how did your father react to that?" I ask. Currently, I'm talking with prince Nazo, Shadow's brother. He is actually very friendly once you get to know him. Besides, he's the only friend I have around here that is my age. I know Shadow is around more often but it is nice to make new friends after all.

"Eh, he grounded me for two whole months. Light punishment," He replies honestly.

"Oh my gosh, you know, I've never been grounded before," I tell him.


"Yes, I am a good child," I added, Nazo snorts at my comment.

These past two weeks have been pretty okay. I've been taking my medication and made more of an effort to eat my meals. I can't eat a lot all of a sudden so I started off slow, I didn't feel like starting off with eating big meals anyway. I would have small meals, like one a seven or ten year old would eat, but over time I grew more hungry and has been eating more and more a little bit each day.

Because I seem to be recovering fast mentally and physically, two days ago we agreed that today is the day we go to Dr. Eggman's lair. Shadow was way too overprotective about it and said I needed more time which was untrue and unnecessary. I may not be completely back to normal yet but I'm perfectly fine, I know because it's my body. I'm eating again so it's not like I'll faint in the middle of the stupid lair.

But I agreed to not spend the whole day there like how everyone else is doing. I will be going home early, just to make that big baby whom I love happy.

"Amy!" Speaking of the big baby. I turn around to see my husband walking over towards me, he's in the uniform so I guess it is time to go soon. He glares at his brother before approaching me calmly.

"What are you doing over here? We have to get you ready, we're leaving in the next thirty minutes," He held my hand and walked me away from his brother.

"Oh-okay! Bye Nazo!" I wave at him wildly with a smile, he waved back then left.

"I don't like you being around him, you know," Shadow tells me softly so no one would hear him as we continue walking.

"Why though? Your brother is so nice!" I commented, Shadow rolls his eyes.

"He's a flirt,"

"So are you," I giggle to myself. Shadow doesn't like his father and his brother, I can't just talk to Queen Regina all the time, she's busy! And prince Nazo hardly has any business with this whole Dr. Eggman problem so he's my new friend until Shadow's father agrees that it is safe for me to see my friends again. Actually, even if I could see my friends again Nazo and I would still be friends. He's cool.

"I don't feel good with him around you, what if he tries something?" Shadow questions.

"We're in a castle with staff everywhere Shadow! Calm down..." I hiss. I'm getting pretty annoyed with Shadow as of right now. Nazo has been nothing but respectful, he has made sure that I feel comfortable. Shadow keeps babying me now a days, I know how to talk care of myself, I'm a grown woman.

"But he's flir—"

"So, what if he's flirting Shaodw? His words mean nothing to me! You know I only have eyes for you, Nazo is only my friend," I roll my eyes with a grumble. Shadow and I have been together for like what? Four years? And he's getting jealous because of his brother. He thinks I would throw away our four year marriage for his brother, I cannot believe this. Nazo wasn't even flirting so he will have to find a different excuse. I let go of his hand and walk a bit faster. I know if I don't distance myself away from him, he won't hear the end of it.

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