Chapter Fourty Six

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Hey just a quick heads up, while I was writing this some of the parts I wrote were unsaved even though I saved it so I don't think it came out the way I wanted it too so I am so sorry I was really happy with the way it was written and my laptop just I don't know so I hope you are happy with the results anyway. Okay allow me to briefly explain myself. If you normally read these author notes before or who knows maybe after the chapter then you would know that I said I don't like clichés, and yes I remember that I have used clichés in the past but I'm not exactly too proud of them now. The cliché around here was that Amy and Shadow engaged in sexual intercourse on his birthday. I don't know about you guys but it sounds like a cliché to me. But it was unavoidable, either I wrote it on his birthday or I probably wouldn't be able to write another smut chapter for a very long time or possibly not ever again. I couldn't find any other room to place this somewhere else. Why, you may ask? Well because my friends, we are at the end of the bridge from plot one and right in front of plot two. This is it my friends, the terrible, terrible plot two is here and I'm sure you guys will not like it. In this chapter there is going to be some huge time skip which I didn't really want but it would be exhausting if I kept writing and doing time skips every few chapters, this book would go on forever and it is completely unnecessary. Good news is that it's not uncommon to have time skips except this time skip is a huge one. In this chapter is sort of like an introduction before plot two, so you can see how everyone's lives are two years later. But why couldn't I just put the smut in this chapter? Oh yeah let's have people making babies before a terrible and tragic incident occurs, yes, perfect readers will love that. Lmaooo you guys know I'm only playing, but it's the truth I wouldn't want to start everything off like that. Which is why there is a break between our previous dirty chapter and our next disastrous chapter. I don't mean to scare you guys lmao next chapter isn't even really that--oh who am I kidding even I the author of this story didn't want to write this chapter. Just know that in the end it may end well. Enjoy!

-2 Years Later, Third Person POV-

In this time princess Amelia is nineteen years old and her husband prince Shadow is twenty years old. They are still the young, silly couple who's bond continues to grow day by day. All of Amelia's friends are married, Amy doesn't socialize with Shadow's parents much but Shadow and his father are on okay terms. 

Cosmo's and Espio's relationship seem to be a strange one. One day would be a day where they would actually act like a cute couple where they would hug and cuddle and say sweet things to and about each other. Yet other days it was the same Cosmo acting childish and Espio irritably putting up with it. They basically are a couple, Amelia and Shadow believe that there is no denying it however, whenever the topic is brought up they quickly become flustered and shy away from it. Amy and Shadow always agree that it's annoying and they act childish, completely forgetting they've acted the same way for a long amount of time two years ago.

It is 9:00am and Shadow is taking a shower in his bathroom that is bigger than a regular bedroom in a regular village. He sung his heart out as he scrubbed his armpits.

"Oooooooohhhhhh!!!!!!!! We're halfway theerrrree!! Oooooooooohhh!!! Lllivinning on a praayyerr! Take my hand, and we will make it I swearrr!!!! Ooooooooohhhh!!!" The young hedgehog chourused.

"Liiivvving on a prraaaaayerrrrr!!!!!" His wife behind him joined in the song Living On A Prayer by Bon Jovi.

"AAAAAHH!" Shadow turned and screamed, startled. And there was princess Amelia, standing there, naked, chuckling at her frightened husband.

"How did you get in here?!" Shadow roared, still recovering not only was he scared by his wife but how his wife scared him on how she entered the bathroom in the first place.

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