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EmeraldTK: *a light brown female hedgehog wearing a green crop top with green eyes and  slightly ripped jeans with two braids trailing down to her lower back enters the stage* Hello everyone! This is the moment that you've all been waiting for, an interview with the Royal Love cast, I've seen your questions now let's see how they answer them!

Audience: *cheers*

Amy: Where am I? Why am I here I'm so confused!

EmeraldTK: Amy: I already told you thousands of times! You're on a television show, see this is why you don't bring people from a fantasy book into the real world *rolls eyes*

Amy: So all I do is... Answer questions?

EmeraldTK: *facepalms* I told you that many times backstage, but yes princess Amelia, all you do is answer questions

Amy: Uh... Okay... Just know I'm not telling you any classified information about the kingdom!

EmeraldTK: *giggles* Oh Amy, another thing you should know is myself, and the audience knows everything that happened in your life, we know your thoughts, we know Shadow's thoughts, we even know Cosmo's and Espio's. We know everything that occurred in your life ever since the day you met Shadow the hedgehog, even if it's personal

Amy: ... *blushes*


Audience: *cheers*

Amy: *sits down in couch near EmeraldTK*

EmeraldTK: First question is from CupcakeZone who asks: Describe how you feel about your in laws

Amy: *raises eyebrow* I thought you said they know my inner thoughts

EmeraldTK: Technically they don't know your inner thoughts right now, besides even though they know they probably still want to hear how you feel

Amy: Well... They both really creep me out!

Audience: *laughs*

Amy: I mean with queen Regina, I don't know I actually like queen Regina though, Shadow said that his parents probably planned for us to be separated for awhile, I don't think queen Regina was involved considering how mad she was when we exposed king Mephiles in front of our parents

EmeraldTK: That was an eventful day wasn't it?

Amy: It really was! But anyway, her advice she gave me was really good advice, the whole be a mean queen thing is questionable but she told me to be strong, she woke me up to realize this world isn't always nice and it was refreshing, I think Queen Regina is a great person to look up to, just don't ask her advice about kingdoms that's all haha

Audience: *cheers*

EmeraldTK: *nods* good answer

Amy: King Mephiles on the other hand...

*both EmeraldTK and the audience laughs*

EmeraldTK: You know what Amy, I won't tell Mephiles what you're are about to say, we can keep this between us

Amy: Thank you because I have a lot to say. He's sexist, he's cold and cruel, ignorant to his own son's feelings, arrogant and just ruthless! Shadow even told me about how he was treated when he grew up with that monster! He tried to split up his on son's marriage and tried to fight him! How sad can you get? That is absolutely low I don't even think Sally would do that!

EmeraldTK: Yikes

Amy: *sighs* Okay so since that's out of the way, do you have any more questions for me? :)

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