Chapter Eleven

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-Shadow's POV The Next Day-

I woke up and actually smiled to see Amy still sleeping in her bra and panties from last night. Man it would have been fun  if I just accepted let her seduce me last night. But I respect Amy and I know when she wakes up and remembers what happened she  would  be very upset. She would probably never talk to me ever again, and because I respect Amelia I don't want to hurt  her or make her hate me. Normally Amy wakes up before me but I guess it was a pretty long night for her. I got up and stretched. Well I guess it's time to take a shower now.

-After The Shower-

After I finished getting changed I started to hear Amy groaning, I curiously looked to the bed to see her shifting around a bit, after watching her roll over a bit I heard her sigh and get up a bit, I smiled to see  her pretty yet tired  looking face. She groaned and put her hand in her hair.

"Owwww...." She groaned, well it looks like she has a headache.

"Woah, woah, woah! Take it easy Amy," I warned her as I ran to her side. Amy looked at me weakly.

"What happened?" She wondered, well this may be a lot to explain to her...

"Well... you got drunk last ni--"

"Oh my gosh! Did I do something, was I misbehaving? Please say I wasn't crazy!" Amy freaked out, well I guess I sort of should have expected that reaction.

"Well... no... you were fine until we went home. You tried to seduce me," I explained, Amy sat silently for a little while, then started  to nervously blush a bit.

"N-n-no I didn't!" She scoffed.

"Actually you did. Because I knew you were a bit intoxicated I tried to get you to fall asleep. Which I did end up doing. I didn't let you do anything weird,"  I explained some more.

-Amy's POV-

I can't actually believe that I tried to seduce Shadow. What was I thinking back then? And how far did I go? Did  I kiss him? Show him my  boobs? Touch him? So many unanswered questions that actually leaves me so scared right  now.

"Are you alright?" Shadow questioned. I didn't mean to ignore Shadow... I was  just thinking and I was just worried about what I did. How can I be so destructive? Well I don't know if I was actually destructive  or not because  I don't even remember what happened! I heard Shadow snicker a bit.

"I will leave you to process all of this," Shadow stated. Oh how can I be so stupid? Shadow knows what happened. Shadow has already got up to start walking away.

"W-w-wait! Shadow! I want you to explain in full detail, what happened," I  told him, Shadow turned around and looked at me, and I could even tell that he is blushing right now. Which made me blush as well because if what happened was that bad then to I really want to know right now?

"Well..... you were okay at first. Then starting touching my leg in the carriage, uhhhh you locked the door when we got to our room and there you took off your clothes--" Shadow explained.

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered.

"B-but you kept your bra and panties on!" Shadow reminded me, well I guess that explains what I'm wearing now, I thought to myself as I looked down.

"And you kissed me... with tongue..." Shadow mumbled the last part.

"What?!" I gasped then covered my mouth, I can feel my cheeks and the tip of my ears heat up, how come I can't kiss Shadow when I want to  but I can when I'm drunk? And especially with my tongue?!  Oh my gosh I am actually freaking out because this means  my tongue has been inside Shadow's mouth, Shadow's tongue may have been in my mouth! I don't even remember if I enjoyed it or not. I can't believe that I managed to seduce Shadow while I was intoxicated.... way to go, me! But at the same time that's still not good! Do I give myself a pat on the back or not? The fact that I was half naked in front of Shadow alone  sort      of made me cringe!

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