Read This

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Relax it's nothing serious... I'm just starting another interview! Basically the rules are you drop some questions for anyone in the Royal Love cast and they will answer them in an interview with EmeraldTK!

The rules are try not to ask anything to sensitive and I will not answer anything that spoils the story, the if you want your question in the interview drop it in the comments below or just inbox me, I normally say who the question is from so if you don't want your name in the book you can tell me if you want to be anonymous.

Yes you are allowed to ask more than one question and don't even be afraid to ask! Most people if not all people who ask questions get their questions answered.

However there is a time limit, if you don't submit your questions by September 24, 2016 your comment may not be added. Why? Because the chapter will most likely be ready to be posted by then. So don't waste any time! You have one week to ask these characters anything whether it is how they feel about certain characters or if you just want to scream and yell and send hate comments towards the worst character in the book *cough cough* Mephiles *cough cough*

So go on and ask anything!

You have one week guys! Go on!

Royal Love(ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now