Chapter Twenty Eight

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So I said that I was going to post the other video so it's there now, I also posted a picture. Also you can see now why I sort of wanted Amy and Shadow to have the sex before the last chapter came and that was because it would make the plot even sadder. Loool yes I know I'm evil, but also because I was going to make Amy miss Shadow so much that she would even try to seduce him for his attention, I was going to make her that desperate. But as you can see in the last chapter she didn't try to seduce him because she and Shadow didn't do anything sexual to each other yet, and I only wanted to make the both of them comfortable with sex after they actually did it, virgin Amy wouldn't be so desperate to give her virginity to Shadow for his attention but if her virginity was already taken away it wouldn't matter plus  non innocent Amy wouldn't mind having sex with Shadow again. That was sort of my theory, I wanted Shadow and Amy to do it before the plot started  but I ran out of material to write because I didn't want it to happen so suddenly, I wanted it to happen like two or three chapters after Amy turns seventeen.  So since I didn't know what to do I just skipped to the plot lol. So Amy is actually considered lucky I guess... I mean imagine you giving your virginity to someone you love and then find out that they don't care about you anymore....  if you're still a virgin it probably wouldn't hurt as  much if you already did it.  I don't know if it makes sense to you or not lol but  if you feel sorry for Amy just remember that I could  have made things worse for her loool. Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV-

Shadow you're an idiot. Why did you let her go like that? It pained me to see her cry in front of me like that, I just wanted to hold her and keep her in my embrace until she stopped crying and falls asleep in my arms.... and just as she ran out I was about to get her..... but then  I was quickly reminded of my father.  His icy cold eyes and wicked smile, I felt a shiver run down my spine at that moment, it was like he was in the room with me. But now she's gone.  I made her cry.... and it was all my fault... why can't I ever stand up to my father, whenever he's not around I feel like I'm the man. I can make my own rules. But when he's around I feel like an ant compared to him, tiny, scared and useless  compared to him. I placed both my hands on my head. My sweet beautiful rose.... I'm sorry... and I know  that you may not hear me or want to even talk to me again.... but  please believe me when I say I am in more pain than you right now. But what am I gonna do? I can't ignore her forever, gosh I can't believe that  my own father doesn't want me to love my own wife.


My father and I sat at a desk in the library, quietly conversing with each other, finally I heard my father clear his throat.

"So tell me the truth son, that young girl...... Amelia, do you love her?" He questioned, I didn't know what to say because I asked myself the same question multiple times. Being around her at first makes me nervous.... then I quickly feel comfortable around her, I get butterflies in my stomach when I'm around her and my face becomes so hot, I get too afraid of smiling because I feel like I will look like an idiot and not to mention I think about her almost all the time. What is that feeling? Is it really love? Or is it just me being horny again....?                                  

"Wha-- Y-yeah I mean I am supposed to! I mean...." The question startled me, I don't usually stutter like this.

"Listen to me. I'm not just some peasant. Now tell me the truth, do you got feelings for her or not?" He asked with a stern voice.... I gulped. By the end of the day I am supposed to say that I do like her.... but it's not like I have feelings for her in real life right? It's only my father who I was  talking  to anyway.

"Um....," I finally responded, but it came out sounding like a question, I hoped that he doesn't get angry with my answer. My father studied me for a moment, I can feel myself starting to sweat.

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