Chapter Thirty Three

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Okay so I just want to say something. After this book I already have another book that is planned but my mind has been getting a bit too creative on me recently and another story idea popped up in my head. Now after the story I planned after Royal Love I already had a book I've been planning for a long time, it's the superhero one I've  been mentioning for awhile, why am I delaying it so long? Because it needs to be perfect. You see I have the plot ready  and all but I guess I need more headcannons...? Plus the book will also be a trilogy so it will have the original book, the prequel and the sequel to the original book. Yeah it's that important, I believe it needs more thinking I mean that book is inspired by anime for crying out loud lol. But as you can see, my  creativity would randomly come and do stuff, I mean I was supposed to  be making that superpower book after Royal Love but noooooo, I had a better idea so I settled with that one instead, then one day I thought of another book  and after watching some anime I started to think about it some more! And to make things worse the superpower book got more headcannons after watching anime! And no I will SURELY not stop watching anime because anime is beautiful! But this happens though.... I mean I remember after Heartbroken I was planning a book but I made Royal Love instead, I mean maybe I will reuse the book in the future  but it just doesn't work anymore... anyway the other book idea that popped into my mind might come a bit earlier than the one I have after Royal Love (I'm not talking about the superpower trilogy). I don't want to give too much details but one  of the titles  I've been thinking about is Screw Gender Roles. The other title is pretty unoriginal and cliché so we will see what happens. Now the book after this one...  because I'm taking up a lot of space with this paragraph I will explain why I want it to start after  Royal Love some other time. Right now I'm not giving out too much details about it, I'm just gonna say it's another ShadAmy story  and there is some action in it. Anyway 11 thousand reads! Wow thank you all so much for the support guys!  I was actually  supposed  to write about the ten thousand reads but then it changed to eleven thousand before my lazy self even tried  to write the next chapter lol. Anyways this is way  too much writing lol. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV, The Next Morning-

I slowly lifted  my heavy eyelids  and looked around the room, I could see small rays of light peeking through the  curtains. I forced my eyes  to open and felt a heavy  weight on me, it didn't take long for me to see Shadow laying on top of me still sleeping, I smiled  and softly pet his quills. It doesn't matter how much of a troublemaker he is, Shadow just looks innocent and cute when he's asleep. His head is still resting on my breasts, he's in the same position he was  in last night. I stroked his quills again. I missed this. I'm so glad that I can hold him once again, that the fight is over. I'm so glad that we actually talked it out and came back together, what a night! There was tears, screams and tons of anger! I am so glad it's over. But there are still many unanswered questions to this situation....

"Mmmmmm...." Shadow groaned and began to shuffle around, he laid down a  bit and I caught him start to weakly open his eyes.

"Morning sunshine," I greeted him, smiling at the sight of him awake.

"Morning princess,"  He mumbled, still  on top of me.  I don't know what it is  but a guy's tired voice just sounds like the sexiest thing ever. Before I used  to think  it was just Shadow but Rouge told me Knuckles does the same thing, Sally said all of her ex fiancés were like that and even my mother told me  that her husband's morning voice is absolutely attractive. Which is sort of awkward... I mean I don't want to hear that.... that's my father....

"Did you sleep well last night?" I questioned with a smirk, my attempt here is to get him to keep talking so I could hear  just a bit more of that soothing voice before he annoys me for the rest of the day.

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