Chapter Twenty Nine

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Y'all I know you are all sad but I am too sheesh! When I was writing the part where Shadow was crying "All Of Me" by John Legend was playing in my head and I almost cried!!! Notice how I said almost because I'm too evil to cry mwahahaha! Enjoy!

-Amy's POV Two Days Later-

Body lowered, stance wide, eyes on opponent. Focus Amelia, you can do this! Right foot forward followed by my left, balance yourself! Don't do anything stupid. Right now I am in a spar session with my sword teacher. We both used wooden sticks to fight each other. She moved up a bit as well, I'm trying to make this as realistic as possible. Faster now, I started to charge to my opponent who quickly blocked my attack, once she did I immediately jumped back so that I wouldn't have to be so close to her, if I was too close at the wrong moment I could have failed.

"Bold move," She commented.


"Let's see how you do against this!" She started to charge towards me, should I just dodge her? Without thinking I blocked her attack with my wooden stick, she tried once again but I blocked it, slowly I started to back up while blocking her attacks and I kept my eyes on her the whole time. I threw my whole body into it! Except I can't find an opening. I kicked my trainer in the stomach which caused her to whimper back. Weak spot maybe? Maybe I should kick it more often. I took this chance to charge to her but my attack was quickly blocked, my teacher both good at long and short range fighting skills I quickly took another chance  to attack but once again it was blocked. Without resisting I tried again but it was blocked, my teacher attacked twice but instead of blocking the  attacks I dodged them, finally and desperately I tripped my teacher which  caused her sword to fly out her hand. As she was on the ground  I held my wooden stick inches away from her face.

"Do you yield?" I questioned, my teacher let out a chuckle then proudly grinned.

"I yield," And so I removed wooden stick, the teacher stood up and grinned.

"Well that was unexpected, I'm still proud of you though, you proved that you would do anything  to stay alive, most students  just rely on their sword fighting skill,   but that's not always the case. When you are in danger you have to always try everything you can!" My teacher told me, I nodded my head and smiled, I felt so proud of myself. I thought tripping her would  actually be the coward's way out but  in a normal battle that might be what I would do.

"Good job with that princess, I think you need  to work on the technique where  you use your sword to  hit someone's  sword out their hand because that could have been another way to win. Other than that you are improving, I will see you next class princess," My sword teacher said before leaving.

"Goodbye, thank you for your time," And with that she was gone, I  heaved out a sigh and walked to the corner of the room. Over there was a chair with a water bottle near  it, I sat on it and drank some of the water. Okay now what? Amy you are so dumb, what makes you think that you could occupy yourself so you can ignore Shadow?  Well it's been working just fine for awhile now and I think I'm doing great. Yeah, yet you still have meetings where you two will be together, you have to be in carriages together, sleep together and don't forget that when guests come over you two can't even be a meter away from each other. Well  the pretending to be asleep when he gets ready for bed trick  seems to be working for awhile now, during meetings we will always act professional no matter what and riding in a carriage with silence doesn't  bother me at all! So the only thing I need to worry about is when guests come over because during those times  yes, we do have to stick together and pretend to be nice  towards each other which could possibly end up really bad. But what are the chances of   that right now? I'm not expecting anyone.

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