Chapter Thirty Eight

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So did chapter thirty seven really happen? Yes it did my friends. Yes it did. Anyway I'm planning on going back to fix up a chapter, I'm not doing much to it, I'm just adding something, I will tell you all when it happens. It's like chapter three or four or something. Anyway you see the video above? Yes I know it's Lady And The Tramp but it works okay?! And I believe Bella Notte means Beautiful Night in Italian in case you are wondering. Play it when the music actually starts in the book in the restaurant scene. You will thank me later. Enjoy! 

-Amy's POV, The Next Day-

I forced my eyes opened and checked my surroundings, just in bed again. I felt the warmth of the blankets against my bare body and just now I notice the water from the bathroom stop running, which means Shadow probably finished his shower.. As I slowly started to sit up I started to remember the what happened last night. My body still aches from the pain but only a slight bit, yet I forced myself up and just as I did Shadow came out the bathroom. Normally I would instantly cover myself and yell at him... because I'm naked, but this time was different. I feel more comfortable showing him my bare skin. Maybe it's because he's your husband and you two just had sex and that wasn't the first time you two have seen each other naked, you idiot. Once Shadow noticed me up he gave me a warming grin.

"Morning love," He greeted me, I weakly smiled at him back, holding back my scowl.  Everyone knows I am not a morning person.

"Mornin'," I mumbled and dragged myself out of bed, still naked I walk into the bathroom and gazed at my  exposed body. I examined myself carefully to actually see quite a few hickeys on my body. No would would really notice those as long as I am wearing clothes, the only visible hickey I am worried about is the one on my neck. I'll have to cover that up with makeup then. But first I'm going to need to take a shower.

-About Twenty Minutes Later-

Well I'm all freshened up and dressed up but the hickey is still there! Well duh, what did you expect it to do? Jump off your neck and go get some coffee while you're in the shower? What's up with my sarcasm now a days? Anyway it's nothing some makeup can't take away.




I reacted quickly by opening the bathroom door, Shadow who was fully dressed and  already in the bedroom, previously reading a book looked alarm by the sudden sounds as well. I could also hear faint yelling from behind our bedroom door, Shadow and I exchanged looks before we both headed towards the door, I opened the door to only reveal Cosmo and a guard shouting at each other.

"Your majesty! I tried to stop her but she came all the way up here! Please forgive me and the rest of the guard staff,"  The guard quickly apologized.

"It's okay. You are dismissed," Shadow told him, the guard nodded and went off, we both turned our gazes to Cosmo. I felt as if I was looking at her like a parent about to discipline their child.

"Cosmo what are you doing here?" I questioned. Cosmo looked pretty troubled, her face was red, she looked nervous and occasionally didn't even look at me or Shadow, just looked around.

"W-well I sent you a bunch of... um... sensitive letters yesterday and you didn't reply back!" Cosmo snapped, normally when Cosmo sends me letters I notice it on the day she sends them and she would only get upset if she doesn't get a reply fast if it's like really important.

"I was busy," I told her, feeling my face get hot already. Yeah... busy trying to read a bunch of sex ed books then getting it on with your husband. Okay this needs to stop.

"Busy with what?!" Cosmo whined.

"What's so important that you sent me anyway?"  I asked her, avoiding the subject, Cosmo hesitated for about a long five seconds before answering.

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