Chapter Three

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Hey guys EmeraldTK here, I just wanted to say that after this chapter may be the wedding because let's  face it, this story is going to be boring  if Shadow and Amy ain't living together also there will be  tons of ShadAmy  parts once they are  actually married. There was is a picture of Shadow and Amy dancing. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV The Day Of The Ball-

Yesssssss! The day is finally here! Another ball dedicated to me! Oh and Shadow...  but today is an exciting day besides learning how to waltz with Shadow  before we do it in front of people.... ugh stop thinking about Shadow! He just  continues to ruin your  day. But  all the dresses I could try on and decorations I  get to pick! Mmmm.... I could  smell the food they are making  from here, I went to the bathroom to get ready and after I came out all freshened up I put on a  blue silky dress and made my way downstairs to actually see my mother and father having tea with Shadow. Ugh.

"Good morning sweetie, Shadow is here today," Mother said, I smiled at my parents and walked over to them to give them both hugs, but as I walked towards them I gave Shadow a quick glare. I sat beside Shadow and poured myself some tea.

"Shadow is great, he seems responsible, respectful, and possibly even a good influence for younger children," Dad explained.

"Oh really?" I questioned while glaring at Shadow, I see he got my parent's to  be on his side. 

"Yes, he's really familiar with  being the leader but he says he doesn't spend time or communicate much with the villagers, he has been raised up that way by his father. Maybe you can teach him a few things darling, since you love the village so much,"   Mother suggested.

"Well villagers are very important," I stated before adding some honey to my tea.

"Well that's debatable," Shadow added before taking a bite from his toast.

"What are you talking about? Without villagers it's almost impossible to live, that's why I go there every time, to show that I respect them," I told them.

"Well.... but they are just peasants. You give them orders and they do it. They don't need to be treated in any way," Shadow stated, that comment had actually offended  me. Villagers are so friendly, and welcoming...  I'm sorry mother, I know you would rather it if I stay quiet but I can't just let Shadow say what he wants about  villagers like that...

"I'm sorry but if it weren't for villagers food wouldn't be provided to you, your kingdom would be suffering and this castle wouldn't have even existed. I don't care if you know more about 'leading' than  me, this kingdom wouldn't be called a kingdom if it weren't for them, the least they deserve is a little respect," I stated, everyone stopped eating and stared at me but I didn't care. I just looked right into Shadow's face.

"And must I add. Just because you're a prince and you're apart of the royal hierarchy, and even have  more authority than those 'peasants'. They are still loyal, kind, welcoming and obedient.  They deserve to be respected and loved the way you do. And if you don't maybe you're not that much of a leader after all," I added then quickly regretted some of my words... I just insulted my future husband to his  face. It actually feels good to actually put him in his place because he's speechless but I forgot that my parents are here too.

"Princess Amelia... it's time for your dress fitting," A servant told me, I gasped put down  my tea and quickly ran upstairs to my room to be greeted by tons of dresses on racks, soon mother came along with me and helped  me pick out which dress I should wear.

-About Thirty Minutes Later-

"Mom I like this one!" I  exclaimed while fluffing up  a white dress.

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