Chapter Sixty Three

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Sorry for the long wait, this story is almost done by the way I am wrapping it up. It is not done in this chapter. There will be a few more chapters left. But thank you all so much for supporting this book, I really appreciate it guys. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV, A Few Days Later-

I can see it. The castle, my castle, standing tall and overshadowing the village. My parents invited us back to Summerview for a visit. The castle is not completely done yet but it is almost done.

"Shadow, look!" I gasp in awe at the villagers standing at the entrance gates of the kingdom. I point outside the carriage window so he can see what I am talking about. Still holding onto my hand, he used his other hand to put the book he was reading down to lean in and look to see what I am getting so excited about. He gazed through the window and I can see the awe in his face as his eyes sparkled.

I turn my attention back to the village again. There I can see under a huge 'Welcome back!' sign, people in the crowd were jumping up and down, waving to us, screaming and holding up banners above their heads with huge smiles on their faces. They did not fail to make my heart melt with love.

Finally, once we were inside the village, our carriage came to a stop around a bunch of Summerview guards who are keeping the villagers at a distance from us so that Shadow and I can come out safely without being overcrowded by the joyful crowd. One of the guards opened the door for us with a dazzling smile.

"Welcome back princess Amelia and prince Shadow. It is an honour to serve you again, even if it is only for a few hours," He greeted us respectfully. I smile and nod my head at his kindness.

"Thank you, sir," Shadow and I say together in unison.

We both step out the carriage and are escorted by a few guards, I can't help but wave and smile at the villagers as we past by, this is amazing. I turn to see Shadow's reaction who seems busy waving off to everyone too, so busy that he almost got lost before a guard quickly guided him back to us. I snicker at him when he returns.

"Oh, shut up," He says hisses at me with an eye roll which only causes me to giggle some more. He's so cute.

Finally, I see my parents who are still unfortunately in their wheelchairs. Despite that, they wore big smiles on their proud faces for us. The guards continue to escort us to them, they are on a stage which I assume we're supposed to go on.

Once we were finally on stage with them, I couldn't help but quickly run over to them and embrace them with warm hugs. I've missed them so much, I've missed this kingdom so much. After that I turn to face the cheering crowd, their energy is radiating off them and onto me so much that I just can't stop smiling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming here to celebrate princess Amelia's and prince Shadow's royal visit back to us!" Dad announced. The crowd once again erupts with cheers from the people. I don't think I've ever felt so welcomed in my whole entire life. "Let us hear a few words from the two before we let them walk around and do whatever they like."

Shadow and I made eye contact, still smiling at each other. I nodded at him to let him go first, one day he will be king and apparently, they speak first so we might as well start practicing now I guess. However, I feel like Shadow won't care about stuff like that. I don't know we will deal with that some other time because I am not looking forward to becoming queen anytime soon.

Shadow stepped forward with a dazzling smile. The crowd didn't cease cheering. I probably couldn't stop smiling even if I tried. I missed this place more than I ever thought.

-Later That Day-

"Welcome back!" Cosmo practically pounced on me to smother me in a tight but loving hug. I simply smiled and hugged her back.

"Aw! I've missed you Cosmo!" I giggle, she lets go of me and gives me a mischievous smirk.

"Really? It's only been a few weeks. Wow. I knew I was irresistible but I didn't know I was that irresistible. It's hard being me sometimes," She says with a dramatic sigh and a flip of her hair.

"Cooooosmoooooo!" I hear Espio's voice snarl in the distance. I turn my attention to the voice and see Espio walking over to us. He looks pissed off.

"I told you not to run off too quickly, gosh you never listen," He grumbles with an eye roll.

"Espio it's been more than twenty-four hours since I have seen my best friend face to face again or had any contact with her. Let me have my joys!" She snaps.

"I mean she has a point," Shadow shrugs. Cosmo and I have not seen each other since the ball but we've been writing letters back and forth except for these past five days.

"Really Cosmo? That's how you feel about me? Wow. I knew I was irresistible but I didn't know I was that irresistible. It's hard being me sometimes," I mimic her dramatic sigh and hair toss.

"It's not like that. It's like this," Cosmo challenges with another dramatic hair flip.

"No, no sweetheart. Like this," I respond with more sass in my hair flip.

"Nu-uh! Like this!"

"No this!"



As Cosmo and I flip our hair's around dramatically, Shadow and Espio were around having their own little conversation until they got our full attention again.

"Right girls?" Espio said. Cosmo and I immediately halt our hair flipping competition.

"Huh?" We both ask.

"We were wondering if you would like to walk around the village now," Shadow explains. My face quickly lights up at that explanation.

"Yes, yes. Let's go," I agreed excitedly.

We begin to walk around the village, despite the villager's excitement earlier today, they weren't overcrowding us like before. They respected our space but still stopped by for some greetings and small talk. Which is good because Espio doesn't like being surrounded by too many people. Also because of their sudden calmness we didn't have to use a guard to keep them away again.

"Ooohh cotton candy! Espio can I have some?" Cosmo pleads. They really do have festival food around here, I look around deciding for something I want until I have finally laid my eyes on it.

"Shadow! Let's get some corndogs," I smile as I reach into my purse to find my wallet.

"No. You hate corndogs," Shadow tells me. I arch an eyebrow at him.

"No, I don't. What exactly makes you think that? I don't think I've ever eaten a corndog in front of you before," I stated.

"Amy we've been through this before," He says with an eyeroll. "Three years ago, we were out at a festival and you said you wanted corndogs. Me being the gentlemen I am paid for them. Then after one bite you said, 'oh right I forgot, I hate corndogs and wasted my money." Shadow finishes while using an overexaggerated high pitched voice to try to mimic mine.

Suddenly the memories kicked in though.

"Oh? Oh, that's right! True... I hate corndogs. They're gross," I add.

"So gross," Cosmo agrees.

-Hours Later-

Shadow and I are back inside the castle now. It is pretty much built back up but the décor inside is not finished yet. We're walking around while talking to my parents who are showing us around the place.

Suddenly they rolled their wheelchairs over to the throne room.

"Why don't you two take a seat? Hm?" Mother suggests while gesturing to the two thrones sitting side by side. Shadow and I instantly grin at each other before dashing like little kids onto the thrones.

I sat on my mother's throne while Shadow sat on my father's. It felt so comfortable, I felt so in charge just by sitting on this thing. It brought back memories about how when I was younger, I would go sit on these chairs and pretend I'm the queen and pretend to boss some around when no one was looking.

"Shadow, Amelia. We need to tell you two something,"

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