Chapter Fourty Four

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Ahhhh.... don't you just love character development? Just wanted to quickly say no that was not the second plot lol. But the second plot is coming so soon and this is honestly scary for me I mean it's so soon I can't wait to write it though. Anyway at first while writing the last chapter and the chapter before the last chapter I thought it was useless but then I realized in those chapters you sort see Amy and Shadow acting like true kings and queens. Also I'm not sure if you noticed but remember how Amy was dreaming and she kept hearing insults about herself? Not sure if anyone noticed but when Amy went to speak out to the crowd they said the exact opposite of the insults Amy heard in her dream lol it's great. For example when Amy heard "worthless" in her dream but the crowd called her "special" it's pretty cool if you want you can read it again. Here's a new chapter. By the way this chapter is a filler chapter lol. I hope you guys still like it anyway, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-s

It's all over now. The trade began, the villagers are happy and there is nothing Sally could do about it. A week has passed and everything is peaceful, my husband and I are outside in the courtyard. He is sitting at one of the tables reading silently as I just sit in front of him and gaze at him for awhile. It's really been a rough week, Shadow and I deserve to relax for awhile, we both overcame some tough things. I learned to appreciate myself some more while Shadow learned to take control of situations. The more I think of it, I feel like we are both learning small lessons that will prepare us for when we are King and Queen. But worrying about that is defiantly not something I want to do right now. The thought of ruling a kingdom gives me anxiety. But Shadow's birthday is soon... he is turning eighteen soon and he doesn't even want to do anything for his birthday. He doesn't want to have a party... so what does he want to do? Knowing this pervert his idea of spending his birthday is probably staying in bed with me, which we have been doing a lot since our first time. I will not allow him to be boring for his eighteenth birthday. Suddenly an idea sparked.

"Let's go on our honeymoon for your birthday!" I suggested with a bright smile, Shadow put his book down and looked at me with a grin.

"So we're talking about this again?" He questions.

"You will not be boring for your eighteenth birthday!" I scolded, Shadow closed his book and looked at me. Oh wait he's actually going to listen to me? I didn't expect that...

"Okay then, what do you have in mind princess?" He asks, my face completely flushed at the softness of his voice. Funny how I've known Shadow for so long yet he can still say or do things that drive me crazy. You would think I would be used to it by now but no, I fall in love with him over and over again everyday, it's little things like this that shows me he thinks the same way. I couldn't help but smile.

"Weeeelllll maybe we can go to a beach house and spend a week there. And on your birthday we can invite Cosmo, Espio, Sonic, Silver and Knuckles for a small celebration?" I questioned, Shadow looked at me lovingly before replying.

"Alright that doesn't sound like a bad idea, we just need to ask you parents if we can even go," He shrugged before picking up the book.

"Oh I'm sure they will let us,"

-Two Days Later-

And they let us. They thought it was a good idea for Shadow and I to take a break away from the castle. A servant who rode in a separate carriage with the keys to the penthouse opened the doors for us, Shadow and I looked around in awe at the rich interior design. Paintings, coloured drapes, mats, decorative pillows and the matching granite island table and coffee table. It looked absolutely cozy. After looking around in the same spot I remembered the servants who helped carry our luggage are still behind us. I quickly turned around.

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