Chapter Thirty Five

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Hey remember when I said I might not actually work on Screw Gender Roles. Well I worked on it. Heh. I don't know I felt bored, I don't know if I'm actually going to continue with it though, but I have been working lately guys, I wasn't being lazy like usual, I was working on Screw Gender Roles so that's why this chapter was delayed... I have no idea what I'm doing really lol. Also I really need you to read this BECAAAUUSSEE I wanted to ask if you guys wanted me to do another interview except for this book? And that's when I let you guys ask questions to anyone in this story and the people in the book are forced to answer? Do you want to do that again because if we don't I honestly feel like it won't be happening for awhile. Share your opinion in the comments section. Also plot two is coming, I just want to close up a few gaps before I move onto plot two and plot two in my opinion is pretty more interesting than plot one, it's less emotional but I think plot two is important because it wraps everything up pretty nicely and something very important happens which I will not tell anyone because it's a huge spoiler. So I hope you guys like long books because it's going to take awhile to fill up the gaps... unless I have a change of plans which that did happen a lot of times while writing this book lool. Honestly I don't want to make it too long though because I don't want people to lose interest which is why I started putting some of the pieces together since the beginning. I mean it's not going to be SOOO long but it is going to continue for awhile... I mean I could make a sequel but that wouldn't be necessary and it's going to take so much work, besides if I did that then the book would have like ten chapters and after Royal Love I just really want to move on to the other book I've been planning. Honestly I just hope none of you guys lose interest, I mean I am going to spark up the book here and there along the way and yes there will be lemon so you all can sit down and stop protesting now lol. I've just been pretty worried about how it will turn out in the end. If you guys however are losing interest then I may make some changes I guess... that will probably change how everything ends out.... the ending I have right now is honestly happy and adorable. I hope you guys can stick with me through the end of the book no matter how long it is. I don't think it would even be that long I mean I've read books with like over sixty chapters lol (not saying this book will do that idk). I'm talking way too much. Enjoy!

-Three Weeks Later, Amy's POV-

"Are you sure you're okay with this, your majesty?" The silver hedgehog stood in front of me, this is my first time seeing him without his armor on. Apparently Blaze and sir Silver have gotten along nicely, even when I didn't notice they were together. Now it's time for them to get married soon. As they are already engaged, I smiled and took another step forward to him.

"Sir Silver, you were always one of the best knights we had. You deserve so much more than to risk your life every day for us. I wish you the best of luck in your marriage with Blaze, she is a dear friend of mine so please treat her right," I told him.

"I promise, your majesty," He nodded, I smiled at him once more.

"One day you will rule as king and Blaze will be by your side. I wish you two the best of luck, go on now," I told him, he nodded his head, gave me a hug and went to stand beside Blaze. They are an amazing couple, both my parents, Shadow and I all said our farewells and hugged them, it's not like we won't see them ever again, I just won't see Silver ever again as my knight. No longer can I call him sir Silver anymore. He's going to be a prince soon. And he is staying at Blaze's castle now. But of course Blaze and I will still have our tea parties and golf games and such so we will see each other again a lot. I turned to Shadow.

"Looks like you're gonna have another friend soon," I told him.

"Good, that Sonic guy is starting to annoy me," Shadow rolled his eyes, I lightly shoved him.

"Don't say that! He's a good guy," I defended as we started to walk off.

"Gosh we have two weddings to go to now," I sighed once I remembered Fiona and prince Scourge getting married. I already have my dress and shoes, Fiona let me be a bridesmaid too.

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