Chapter Fifty Four

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Hey guys, I know I should have updated before but I just wanted to enjoy my March break. The good news is I'm here lol. Just wanted to quickly say that Mephiles' castle isn't those big scary castles that you see in fairytales. He does not live in Bowser's castle. His castle is black and big but it isn't that scary, when you read Amy's point of view it may seem that way because Amelia has never seen such a castle before but just know that it is just another castle with expensive furniture inside. I repeat they do not live in Bowser's castle lmao. Anyways depending on whether my teachers decide to have mercy on me or not, the next update should be quicker than the last. I actually really want to update quick like after I publish this I want to get to work on the next one as soon as possible instead of waiting a week so please don't worry! Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-

I hear nothing but the rapid footsteps of the horses carrying this carriage to our destination. The ride to Twilight kingdom is quiet. Shadow and I never spoke any words on the way there, probably because we don't even know what to say to each other. I see a black castle in the distance, finally! It's far but at least we are getting closer. I continue to stare out the window to see if anything can amuse me, I used to always see children running around playing or teenagers playing guitars when I would walk around the village, perhaps I can see the same from Twilight kingdom.

I pout at the gloomy weather and switch my gaze to the villagers working the fields. Oh my gosh. I cannot believe this! These villagers.... They look oppressed! Not one of them have a single smile on their dirty faces! A lot of them don't look healthy! What is going on here? My eyes widen as I look across the village, everyone is working and there are no children at all running around playing. I can see a guard yelling at a poor village man in his face, the poor man looks scared for his life. I continue to stare at this conflict, suddenly the guard pushed the man to the ground, spat on the man's face and walked away just like that! Is this some sort of joke? What kind of kingdom is this? I do not want any part of this at all! When I look out on the streets I see people fighting, I see hate everywhere. Why is this place like this? Is it because this is king Mephiles' kingdom?

Queen Regina said that this world isn't a nice place, I can perfectly see what would make her say such a thing now. She has to wake up every morning to see this. And now I have to wake up every morning to see this. I can never get used to this. Ever.

Finally, the castle came into a closer view, a tall, black castle. How can a castle intimidate me? It stands big and bold, and leaves me squirming in discomfort as if it sets a cloud of fear for everyone else below it. Finally, the carriage came to a stop and soon the door was opened.

Stepping outside and seeing it just put more fear into my body, a shiver ran down my spine and I feel like I am being watched. Shadow put his arm around me, I'm glad he noticed. I wrap my arm around him before we both walk to the castle together.

I only took two steps inside and I already feel another chill despite it already feeling cold inside the castle, I have goosebumps.

"Welcome," A deep voice that wasn't Shadow's spoke. It is king Mephiles, he stood at the stairwell with his arms crossed and his wife stands beside him resting her elbow on his shoulder. Prince Nazo is also standing here with a dull expression.

"Hi," Shadow spat bitterly.

"We are so glad to have you! Especially you princess Amelia," Queen Regina smiled as she walked over to me with her arms widened. Oh I never thought she would be the type to give hugs but I guess I'm wrong. I opened my arms to her slightly and she came and squeezed very tight. Finally, Regina released me but still held my arms, her golden eyes gazing straight into my emerald green eyes.

"I am so sorry for what happened... you never deserved to witness such an unfortunate event," Queen Regina spoke softly. I don't really wish to be reminded of all that right now, we may have won be the damage has already been done. Now I have to stay here for awhile.

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