Chapter Sixty

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-Shadow's POV, Two Weeks Later-

It has been really good these past two weeks, we are now allowed to have friends and family in the castle, my brother and my dad are bonding well, Amy seems to be getting stronger and apparently the village back at Summerview kingdom is all rebuilt now, now the castle just needs to be fixed up which will obviously take longer but other kingdoms have pitched in to help.

As of right now though, we have a ball to plan. It was my mother's idea. It is a charity ball, a portion of the money will go to help rebuild the castle which was the original plan until Amy protested that some of the money needs to go to actual charity and the village. My dad was against it, I supported it, my mother kept an open mind about it meanwhile Nazo didn't even care. By the end of the meeting Amy had her way and the ball will be held next week Wednesday.

"I think off white and gold invitations are fine, in my opinion," I overheard Amy talking to my mother. My mom is like how Amy acts when her birthday is around the corner. They take charge and make sure everything is absolutely flawless.

"Are you sure it doesn't look uncomfortable or too prestige, Amelia? This is supposed to be a charity ball and I don't want it to be too much," Mother continues to hassle Amy.

"I don't know Regina, they are just invitations," Amy responds.

"Nevermind, nevermind, I will ask another opinion. But first I must ask, should we use carnations or roses?" I roll my eyes at my mother's behavior. I still don't know the difference between carnations and roses. Amy tells me the difference between carnations and roses are super obvious but I still don't see it. That does not really matter right now though, what matters is, Amy looks really bothered with my mother's stupid questions and she may need some rescuing right now.

"Mother, I'm sorry to interrupt but someone is requesting Amy right now in wardrobe and then after her opinion is asked in the kitchen," I tell her as I approach both of them.

"Very well, make sure you bring her back to me when you are done, I will be in your father's office then," And then she walks away.

"Please don't say they will just harass me with more questions, it is only the afternoon and I already want to go to sleep," Amy sighs once my mom is out of view.

"You're tired already? Did you take your medication?" I ask her as we start to walk down then hallway.

"I swear I did... I'm tired because I've been following around your mother for the past three hours while being attacked by a bunch of questions," She rolls her eyes.

"Well, have no fear my pink love, because no one is actually requesting you, I just came to save you from my mother," I smile at her, suddenly Amy's eyes light up. She grabs my arm and cuddles next to me with a shining smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" She breathes out a sigh of relief. I laugh and bring her outside, her favourite place to be. Yes, still after all this time. "But now what?" I actually have no idea. All I know is that I am hungry right now.

"You want some food?" I ask her, Amy smirks at me.

"When do I not?" She smirks back.

"Good point. Except for the fact that a few weeks ago you neglected most of the food on your plate whi—"

"Alright, alright you, smart aleck, no need to get all technical and salty with me," She stops me before I could finish my sentence.

"I was just about to state a fact which could have easily been avoided if you didn't say you were always hungry, so you walked right into that," I jokingly tease her.

"See, I didn't say I was always hungry," Amy shoots back.

"But you implied it," I tell her. Amy opens her mouth to speak but then she stops walking, a horrific expression took over her face as she gazes upon the state of the village. For Twilight kingdom to be the second biggest kingdom out there, we do put these villagers in conditions they should never be in. There are broken windows, street fights, their clothing looks poor and dirty, and the work conditions are horrible. Amy is defiantly not used to this. I pull her close to me.

"You look scared," I softly tell her.

"Wouldn't anyone be?" She asks without taking her eyes off the village.

"Don't worry, the whole kingdom isn't like this... just stay close to me and try not to make any eye contact with anybody. You didn't bring any money with you right? There are some pick pocketers around here so maybe lose the earrings, if you want I can get a guard but just know that I have a sword and everything will be alright," I tell her, Amy frantically reached for her ears and pulled her earrings off.

It only took us ten minutes to get to a restaurant, Amy and I are seated inside a private booth so no one would have to bother us here. Even when Amy got her food I could not help but notice that something on her mind was bothering her and it was most likely because of the village.

"You okay?" I ask her again.

"Yes," She gives me the same answer, I roll my eyes at her, she notices and forces a smile.

"You're a terrible liar," I tell her, now it is her turn to roll her eyes. I brought some of the soup I ordered to my lips.

"Really? You totally bought it when I said your chilli was the best thing I have ever tasted," She tells me, I nearly choke on my soup, her soft giggles turned into wails of laughter very soon.

"You can lie about being okay all you want, but you never lie about a man's chilli!" I snap at her. She continues to laugh.

"I'm sorry Shadow, I know I went way too far," She tells me.

"Yeah, you did go too far you, insensitive jerk. Don't talk to me," I grumble, Amy continues to giggle.

"I am very sorry Shadow; would you like to talk about your feelings with me?" Amy asks.

"No because you hurt my feelings and I don't like talking to people who lie about chili," I tell her. I watch as she continues to laugh. Good thing I got her to feel better I guess.

"Now what is on your mind, princess?" I ask her.

"Just about the village, why is it like this? It is so gross," She pouts.

"They misbehave and because of it my dad does not want to make the village better. Both are stubborn," I tell her truthfully.

"I thought your mom said they are scared of her and because of that they are super obedient?" She questions.

"When she's around and outside it is like that. She hasn't really been out there for awhile, even before we got here I don't think she left the castle much," I respond. Amy continues to poke at her cheesy pasta.

"Don't worry Amy, you are doing a good thing with this charity, maybe then a few more problems can be solved," I tell her.

"I guess..."

I hope it can, I remember the trouble Twilight kingdom can cause, all those riots and stuff. Amy is back to being happy and loveable again so the last thing we need is for the villagers to start up some rebellion.

"Thanks Shadow, by the way I lied. Your chili is the best chili I've ever tasted," She smiles at me, I smile back at her warmly.

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