Chapter Thirty Seven

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-Amy's POV, About A Week Later-

Today is just like any other day. Except today...well recently I've been pretty uhh... puzzled? Okay, okay I don't really know how to describe this feeling I guess I am curious in a sexual way...? I have just been feeling some sort of wanting or urge towards Shadow recently. In other words I wanted to have sex with him. There I admitted it! But before I even do that I have so many unanswered questions that I'm too afraid to ask! My mother and father are on another business trip, I would feel very awkward talking to the castle staff about this and I would have to be an absolute idiot to ask Cosmo. I know I could ask Rouge and all the other princesses but I don't really feel comfortable asking them either... I don't know I just don't feel really close to them. However I did consider asking Shadow but I thought about how weird it would be plus I am way too scared to approach him on that kind of stuff. I mean I know Shadow enough to know he would joke around about certain things but I also know him enough that he wouldn't joke about this especially if I seem nervous about it. I have questions I want to ask him anyway but I will ask him once I feel more confident to do so. Right now I am actually in the library. I took as much books about love, intimacy and intercourse as I could. Ones that aren't fictional novels that I like to read, but books that educate you about them. Now don't start with me, both my mother and my father gave me the dreadful talk about where babies come from and my health tutor has educated me about how male and female bodies work. I cringed throughout then entire lesson. But whenever they would ask if I had questions I would immediately shoot that opportunity down because I am already disgusted and traumatized enough that I just want the lesson to end and for them to stop talking. I understood how everything worked it's just that there were some personal and embarrassing questions that I wanted to ask. So because my curiosity is growing stronger by day I am researching in the library. These other books seem to be helpless though, so I put back all the rest. There is only one more left called Love And Lust 101 Hmmm let's see...

When a man and woman make sexual contact often times it leads them to strange urges for them to take off their clothes and--

"What'cha reading?" I heard a familiar voice question, I immediately shut the book and put it behind me. Gosh it's a good thing I didn't read it out loud! I could tell my face was blushing a bright red shade. Shadow stood in front of me with a wondering gaze, I forced a smile.

"Nothing. It's nothing!" I panicked. I can sense Shadow studying my body language. It's obvious that I'm hiding something.

"Is something wrong?" Shadow questioned, a flash of concern lit up his eyes.

"No it's fine, you don't need to worry about me," I said as I slowly started to back away. Shadow didn't take his eyes off me for a second, his face became serious and he looked into my eyes sternly. He defiantly knows something is up. He held out his hand as if he wants me to give me the book in that hand.

"Let me see it," He demanded.

"Why? It's a stupid book anyway there's nothing you need to know about it, completely useless anyway. Whoops!" And then I purposely slid it into one of those basket things where you put your due books in. I looked back at him, his face softened but his eyes still had a suspicious glare in there. And to make sure he doesn't try to be slick and ask the library to open it up I quickly grabbed a bunch of random books and slid them into it as well so he wouldn't know which book I was originally reading. There. I gave him a satisfied smile and walked out the castle library.

-Later That Day-

Shadow seemed to have let go of what happened earlier today but the scene is still repeating in my head. What if he saw it later? What will he think? What will he do? Okay enough is enough. I'm going to get my questions answered whether I like it or not! No more being shy and awkward. I can't lay around and do nothing anymore. Suddenly as determination filled my body I stood up and confidently walked up stairs because that's where I believe I have left him last. I opened the door which caused Shadow to flinch for a second before realizing it was me, he was currently standing near the dresser with his sketchbook.

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