Chapter Fourty Seven

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Well it seems like we have a problem friends. Because now I have three story ideas in my imaginative head of mine and for the next book and the problem is... even if I chose any of them I won't even know what to do with them whoopsies. I mean I know the main plot around them but I don't really know what to put in them so therefore they will be filler chapters yike. Last time I decided to have a book and I said it was going to be super emotional and blah but now I'm not too sure I even want to do that anymore. I want to write a different book buuuuutt if I did that then guess what? Then I have to write up a trilogy too ugh. Like there is the original, the prequel then the sequel to the original (I believe I've talked about this before) and I don't have too much of a problem with doing that but I know myself very well and I'm scared that if I started it, I will go through with it because I know how it feels to be engaged in someone else's work and they just automatically stop (guys don't do that the feeling actually sucks), yeah that's not what I'm afraid of but I'm afraid that after I'm done with the first book I'm going to get a different story idea in my head and won't want to do the prequel and sequel. I mean you guys have seen my thoughts if you've always read these notes. I will just continue writing Royal Love to see how things go... I already know what the original is about I just have to be careful not to put too much filler chapters and not to rush things because I want that book to be a book where they uncover things slowly. I know what the prequel will hold but I still have to be careful and I know the main plot for the sequel but I don't know what to put around it. But what I do know is that when I write, most of the time I don't know what's going on but as I go with the flow I know what I'm doing. Like while writing Royal Love there were some things that happened in this book that wasn't even fully planned. And I believe it's all thanks to you guys for reading this book and supporting it, I thank you all so much and it makes me really happy to know people actually enjoy my books, this is the fourty eighth chapter, we've made it so far and if you made it this far I truly appreciate you which is why I am determined to give you an ending you will all love. Your impact has truly encouraged me to think of new things especially when you comment and share your opinions on characters or the plot because then I would know whether I want to slightly change things up or switch it to a different direction. I want you all to understand that when you read a book or support someone's art it touches them, it encourages them to want to continue, to want to make their books better. When I first came onto this site I wanted to write for fun, I didn't care about how weird my books were but because I was encouraged, I was encouraged to continue writing and try even harder. So please, I'm not speaking for myself but if you enjoy something please show your support and continue doing what you are doing because you are not only benefitting the author or artist to become more inspired but you are benefitting yourself to get more chapters lol. Anyways I just want to say thanks again, I appreciate this so much and I have no idea how many of you read through this but if you did I thank you again because honestly this has gone along for such a long time I mean I am at 681 words right now like wow lol. Enough of this. Enjoy!

-The Next Day,  Amy's POV-

"Today is such a slow day," Shadow whined, I rolled my eyes. Right now we're just taking an afternoon stroll in the courtyard, hand in hand. Here I am trying to enjoy the exotic beauty around me and he complains about being bored, of course he always does this, but today I do not care.

"Boo-hoo," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Rude," Shadow pouted.

"I thought you like books now, go read a book," I suggested as I looked back at him.

"Yes but I don't feel like reading any books right now," He replied softly.

"Well maybe-" My sentence was cut short with a loud 'boom' sound in the distance, the ground began to shake, I lost balance and fell into Shadow who held onto me tight. The loud sounds didn't stop there, I heard high pitched screaming that pierced my ears. Shadow and I didn't even have to say a word to each other, we glanced at each other and ran to where the noise is coming from, both of us wondering what is going on. Finally we reached the throne room, I felt as if my heart stopped for a moment, my eyes widened and I instantly stiffened from what I saw. There are two holes in the walls, they look like they've been blown up, some rubble is on the floor, people are screaming and running, some knights are now coming in and they are fighting off the intruders. These intruders are quite strange, some are Mobians and some are covered in metal... however it does not look like an armor. I felt a cold hand grab my arm, because of the setting I instantly screamed and turned around to become face to face with only my mother.

Royal Love(ShadAmy)Where stories live. Discover now