Chapter Fifty Nine

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-Amy's POV, Flashback-

I can feel Shadow's heart beating as my head rests upon his bare chest. My uncovered body cuddling over his. The just recent memories of Shadow's tongue down my vagina still fresh in both our minds. Now the night is quiet. We both feel satisfied and at peace. Shadow brought his hand to my head, began petting my hair which just turned into him playing with it.

"Do you think they heard us?" I ask him, referring to my parents since the servants don't sleep on the same floor as we do.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did," He softly chuckles, I giggle a bit as well. It is really late and my parents can sleep through a lot. If they did hear though, it would be very awkward.

"Don't worry because when you and I rule this kingdom we can do whatever we want every night and not have to worry about anyone hearing us," Shadow gleefully stated with an award-winning grin, I just can't help but laugh at how cute he is.

"Shadow honestly what goes on inside that head of yours?" I laugh, he laughed along with me. The laughter died down quick because of my silence. There it goes again... the thought of being queen and ruling over Summerview. I know it has to happen someday, it will happen but I don't want it to. I can't see myself being a queen I just can't.

"By the way... can we just not talk about that?" I tell him, Shadow glances down on me and stops petting my hair. Silence filled the room yet again.

"I never knew you're still affected by that..." He tells me while staring into my eyes. I turn to look elsewhere, feeling too ashamed to look back up to him now.

"I'm scared Shadow... I don't see myself as queen and I can hardly make a decision myself. I feel like I'm just gonna disappoint everyone, the thought alone bugs me and I—" Shadow cut off my whimpers.

"Woah, whoa there Amy... remember you're not ruling the kingdom all by yourself. I'll be there too. A king needs a queen and a queen needs king. We can both make decisions, and whether they're good decisions or bad decisions won't even matter because we will go through it together," Shadow reassures me.

"Shadow, I get what you are saying but I don't think you understand... your father raised you to be ready for all this, I remember all those meetings we had with other kingdoms and you handled them flawlessly, all those times you would save my butt when someone important tries to talk to me about the economy or politics or some crap. Shadow, you're perfect! You always know what you're talking about and what's right... I can't do that. I'm not fit to be a queen," I stated.

"Amy don't even say things like that. You have charm and you're smart, sure your math skills get questionable at times but I do know you have potential and traits that Summerview needs that I could never give to them," He explains. I would love to know what he means because I do not.

"What are you even talking about?" I question him.

"You're compassionate and...sweet. It may not matter to you but it really should, everyone in Summerview is how they are because of the kind of vibes you and your parents give. Just look at my dad, he may be a business man who knows about politics and the economy but if you've ever visited Twilight, you'd know the people are suffering and cruel. So many crimes happen and the sight of the place alone feels uncomforting. That's why your compassion towards the villagers is so amazing," Shadow tells me. I stop to ponder everything he has said.

"Yeah but that's just because your parents are weirdos, anyone can be nice to villagers," I tell him, Shadow threw his head back and laughed out loud at my comment.

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