Chapter Four

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Hey y'all! Not much to say here so I'm going to try to make this message look long so I look all proffessional and stuff lol. But here's what I need to say!

There is a picture at the side >>>>>>>>>>>>


-Amy's Wedding Day-

It's today. The wedding. My wedding. Where I'm going to have to marry.... him... how can I even look at Shadow and think of him as a husband? I glanced at myself in the mirror, I always dreamed about this moment, but now that it's finally happening I feel like crying, I'm already in my wedding dress, holding my bouquet of flowers.... even if I was marrying someone who wasn't Shadow I would still feel pretty scared, I slowly headed downstairs and waiting in the throne room for some more directions... all I have to do is repeat what he says when he says so, and say those words... 'I do'.

-After The Ceremony-

The church doors sprang open with a crowd cheering and running outside feeling overjoyed to see Shadow and I becoming an official couple, Shadow and I kept smiles on our faces as I held his arm and we walked out the church to the carriage, it's a bit weird to actually get used to calling Shadow my husband.... not to mention how weird it felt when he had to kiss me after we both said 'I do'. I pushed the thought to the back of my head, I don't need to be day dreaming about that until later... not that the kiss was bad or anything... it was actually pretty good... Snap out of it Amy! Focus! Shadow and I still may not really like each other but I know this could take some time, once Shadow and I entered the carriage to head back to the castle we waved goodbye to everyone who attended the wedding. Now time for the after party back at the castle, the carriage took off quickly, and I almost forgot I was still holding Shadow's hand, with a blush I let go of his hand and stared at him.

"Don't you even say a word," I warned him while staring at his lips.

"I wasn't going to," He stated, I raised an eyebrow then turned to look out the window. I'm married. To Shadow the hedgehog. The most flirty prince I've ever met. And now our kingdoms are united. Part of me wants to run out of this carriage right now, this is too much for me, mom never told me how it feels after you get married on the first day! I don't know she said something about feeling more honored and satisfied but right now that's not how I'm feeling! Shortly we arrived back at the castle, the gates opened and I was back at the castle greeted by cheering crowds and warm hugs, we made our way to the ballroom where music is already being played.

"So what happens now?" I asked Shadow.

"Cocktail hour, well for the guests at least. The bridal party including you two need to go get your paintings done," Dad chimed in, we followed him outside to the garden.

"Ammmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" I heard all my friends squeal before they tackled me into their huge group hugs.

"I'm so proud of you!"

"You look beautiful!"

"Nice catch!"

"I was crying the whole time!" I giggled because they were all talking at once, everyone already came off me but Cosmo was still hugging me.

"Okay, okay! Guys we need to get our paintings, these guys are professionals so it won't take long. But meet Cosmo... she's a Seedian and my maid of honor," I informed everyone.

"Hi Cosmo!" The attention soon started to move towards Cosmo, creatures like Cosmo are very, very highly respected and honored around Mobius so she's pretty much a big deal.

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