Chapter Fifty Five

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Hey guys! Just wanted to quickly say I am sorry the interrogation is a bit boring or not as exciting, I could have tried to spend more time with it but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for like a month lmaoo. It has been awhile since I've watched an action movie or anime so I hope you guys like it anyway. Next chapter will defiantly be more exciting. Enjoy!


"Here he is," A maid's voice spoke clearly.

"Thank you. You are dismissed," Father responded in his usual dark tone. The footsteps of that maid echoed in the dark room until she left, the only light was the sunlight trying to peek in through the closed blinds from the window behind my father's desk. I trembled in fear knowing that father wouldn't ask for my presence for no reason.

"Come here," He said in a stricter tone, I hesitated but made my way closer until I was in front of his desk, he was sitting behind his desk doing whatever he was doing.

"I heard you gave food to a peasant?" The word 'peasant' spat out his mouth bitterly like venom.

"Y-yes... it was only a piece of bread—he-he was really hungry and his family doesn't own that much so I just--" I stammered as I fidgeted with my fingers. Father slammed his hand on his desk causing my nine year- old self to jump a bit in fear.

"I don't give a piece of shi--" He couldn't finish his vulgar sentence because he started coughing really hard, when he was finished I heard him hiccup and knew he was drunk, I knew right there and then that I should not be around him right now and I should not get him worked up, it seems as if I do not have a choice though. He got up and made his way towards me, my younger self was scared, I backed away in fear and fell, that's when he took the chance to grab me by my shirt and lift me to his face, I can smell the stench of alcohol as he breathed in my face.

"I don't want you ever near that kind of trash ever again!" He yelled in my face before throwing me down to the ground. I groaned as my little body ached in pain.

"Those little rats don't deserve any of the crap I give them! Why would you give those dirty things food from this castle? They are unworthy to be around people like us!" He ranted on, at this point I wasn't even listening to him, he continued to yell but I was still in pain and was focusing more on myself.

"Get up!" He roared, I quickly scrambled up without any hesitation.

"I don't want you to go near those scum again!" He yelled once again in my face. It's sad really, how these villagers are the villagers who provide for him yet this is how he 'acknowledges' them, he actually thinks these people are trash.

"I—" I couldn't finish my sentence. The reason why I could not finish my sentence was because father smacked me in the face right there and then. He smacked me so hard and I was not expecting it that I fell on the floor, he used his back hand to hit me too. Despite the pain, I got up my hand still touching my stinging cheek, I looked up at my father waiting and hoping to meet his regretful eyes and hear him apologize but instead I was met with a cold, icy, death glare. Tears formed in my eyes, billions of thoughts were going through my mind. My dad just slapped me, I thought. It was sick and twisted, I was only nine years old, I only wanted some friends, friends outside the castle because I never had any in here either.

Finally I got up and ran away, crying.

Mother found out about what father did, she cussed him out for it. So that night another maid took me to his bedroom, I silently trailed behind her, silently crying and hoping it wouldn't be like how it was earlier that day. I didn't get it, I did nothing wrong and I stayed inside all day. What could he want?

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