Chapter Sixty Six

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Well I knew it was awhile but not that long. Thank you for reading and voting y'all. Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV, Two Years Later, After the Coronation-

Now the whole kingdom and all the allied kingdoms are downstairs in the ballroom celebrating my first few hours as king and Amy's first few hours as queen. I love celebrating but I cannot help but take a few moments to reflect on my life right now.

I'm king now.

Everyone in this village has their trust in me. Awhile ago I could not be trusted with anything. I was a trouble maker, then I matured under my father's own wing until I finally stepped out. I realized that I can make my own decisions and that my father may not be right all the time.

I am very scared yet I feel very secure at the same time. As if I was meant to take on this role but this role is such a huge one that I tremble and step back in fear every time I think about it.

I sit on my bed and look outside the window. This window is larger than the one Amy and I shared the years we were married. This is the king and queen's room of course, I have only been in this room about two or three times and it was filled with paintings, rugs, mats, awards, decorations and books. Now this room is empty. There is only a bed and some things are left behind for us but this room is empty either way. This room is mine and Amy's now so the decorating is up to us this time. Our old room will be for our children. 

Some footsteps walk behind me until Amy stops and sits beside me on the bed.

"Hi," She says softly, I meet her gaze and return her soft and loving smile right back to her.

"Hi," I say as softly. Amy rested her elbow on my shoulder and rested her head on that while looking out the window.

"It seems like being king has its advantages and it's disadvantages, hm?" She tells me. I only nod my head and follow her gaze to look out the window.

"Everything is new, new room, new responsibilities and new choices," She continues on. I remain silent for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly is my wife trying to say at me.

"Do you think I will be able to do it?" She finally asks. She is sitting up now, gazing at me desperately for an answer. There were times when she was confident about this whole queen thing and times when she would get scared and question absolutely everything once again but I cannot blame her for doing so, because I know I do the same as well. 


"No, don't 'Amy' me just yet. I know we had training and everyone says we are ready but something still does not feel right. I want your honest opinion now, do you think I can do it?" She urges. 

"I don't think any of us can do it alone. Which is why we need each other," I tell her the honest truth. She lets out a huff.

"That answer isn't good enough," She tells me.

"Of course, it isn't good enough Amy,"

"It isn't really good enough for me either," I add. Amy pauses for a long time.

"You and I both have been through a lot you know. Taking on this job alone will be terrible but maybe we both can be good enough together," I tell her. And at that Amy smiles widely and her face is filled with its energy and joy. Her smile was so contagious that I had to smile too.

"I guess it's true, even as teenagers we have been through a lot and there is a lot more to come too, I'm sure of it," She bites her lip after she finishes speaking.

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