Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys, so just a reminder that the Heart Broken mini series is having an interview where you guys can go and ask your own questions.  There are only two questions so far.... hey I'm not complaining lol but if you want the interview to be interesting then you very interesting people have nothing to be afraid of. Also thanks so much for the two thousand reads, lately I have been imaging another story after this but I think I will need to think about it some more because I don't really have a plot line. Anyways that's enough I guess. Enjoy!

-Amy's POV-

Finally the guys had left, I was feeling quite miserable when Shadow left as well, but Rouge couldn't stop grinning to herself.

"Okay I can't help it anymore! Ladies, I know most of you aren't married yet but I feel like it's time we get to finally talk about boys!" Rouge squealed.

"Boys?" Sonia repeated, everyone else looks like they are ready for this conversation, but what if I'm not exactly ready to tell the girls anything yet. I mean Shadow and I are getting along now but we have a unique relationship that I don't think these girls understand. All the princesses were squealing and getting all excited while Cosmo and Rouge were just simply grinning in their seats.  Suddenly Rouge became serious.

"W-wait girls! You don't understand, men are not as easy to maintain as you think.  They are actually a rather interesting species. You wouldn't understand because you were never engaged or even married to one before. They are polite and great from the beginning but once you get to know them things actually change my darlings,"  Rouge explained, everyone blankly stared at Rouge.

"I'm pretty sure Amy and Sally understands," Rouge added, I think I do quite understand, and the reason why Rouge mentioned Sally was because she actually  was engaged to many hedgehogs  before prince Sonic.

"Wait....  so what does this mean...? What do we do?" Maria wondered.

"It means that  boys will be boys no matter how good looking they are. Yes they treat you right for the first thirty seconds they meet you but the mind of a boy is rather... complicated," Rouge answered, I'm actually  interested on seeing where this conversation will go because I think I actually know what Rouge is trying to say.

"Rouge.... I still don't get this..." Blaze stated, you can see all the confusion on her face.

"Think of a mind of a twelve year old boy. That is the mind of most boys around your age," Rouge simply stated.


"I can't believe this!"

"I was so ready to get married,"

"This ruins almost everything," The girls kept whining, I sat quietly though.

"Girls relax! I am telling you this so you won't have to get your hopes up!  When I met prince Knuckles I was in love, when I got to live with him I slowly became irritated  by his behavior and by the fights we get into.  Until I finally learned that, that is just the way he is and it won't stop us from being together!" Rouge exclaimed, I couldn't help but smile now. That means that Rouge has been facing the exact same problems that I did!

"W-wait! You got into a fight with your husband?" Princess Sonia questioned.

"You will understand once you're actually married," Rouge replied.

"But anyways................. what we learned is  guys are immature. Deal with it," Princess Rouge concluded, everyone gave her a round of applause.

"Rouge I am actually so glad that you mentioned this! Prince Shadow and I fight yet we always  make up by the end of it," I told her,  Rouge smiled.

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