Chapter Sixty One

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-Shadow's POV, The Next Day-

My eyes open and I can tell according to my surroundings that I am in my room. I turn over to see Amy's body gone, she must have awakened before I did. At least she left the blinds closed. I lazily leave my bed and open the blinds, I go make up my bed then head over to the washroom to get ready for today. Whatever series of events are lined up today, I have to be prepared for it.

When I go downstairs I see everyone already there eating breakfast. My dad reading and signing over some papers while my mother drinking some tea, her blue oatmeal bowl is not far from her own reach. Amy and Nazo are there chatting away as usual, I think I will just have a few fruits for breakfast this morning.f

"Good morning guys," I greet them. Amy greets back with a bright smile.

"Good morning Shadow,"

"Mornin' brother," Nazo says as he eats his oatmeal, Amy giggled at his behavior. I notice mom intensely stare at my dad, who's eyes still have not left his papers. She gives up sending him daggers with her golden eyes and looks back at me.

"Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep okay? She asks.

"Yes," I reply as I take some blueberries and put it in my bowl.

"At least you actually got some sleep last night," Mother says. Does that mean not everyone got sleep last night then? I wonder why. Since she said that...

"Mom stop embarrassing me already! I get it, you're mad because I read through a bunch of comic books last night, stop bringing it back up already," Nazo pouts, Amy and my mom both giggle together.

"You shouldn't have done it though, what if we had a surprise meeting today?" Amy asks Nazo. Nazo just rolls his eyes with a yawn.

"I don't know, that would suck I guess," He replies.

"You better stop with that behavior if you want us to take you more seriously then, Nazo," Mom tells him.

"Yes mom," He groans.

"What are you working on there dad?" I ask him. He seems so preoccupied, normally he would love to take this opportunity to nag on Nazo with us but he is staying quiet. It must be really important then. He doesn't answer though, instead I get some silence. I guess he did not hear me?

"Dad?" Once there is another silence.

"Mephiles your son is talking to you," Mother angrily hisses at her husband.

"Just hold on a minute would you!" He snaps back.

"If you're working why don't you just go to your office? You never care to spend time with the family anyway!" Here we go again.

"Shut up woman! I am dealing with something important right now you brat!" He spits.

"Who are you calling brat you overprivelleged rat? Tell me to shut up to my face again, watch what happens!" Mom shrieks, I roll my eyes at the two and get up to leave. I have seen this pattern over and over again and it is tiring each time. I'm just going to go back to my room if they are going to be like this then.

"Shadow!" I hear Amy's voice call me. As much as I would love her company right now, I just need to be alone for awhile.

I make it to my room and silently sigh because even from here I can hear my parents yell at each other, wishing over and over again that my parents can be like Amy's parents. So, they can love each other like them and be happy without causing stupid scenes. But they can't. And they won't. My parents never married for love, who knows if they were ever in love. Marriage is a business deal to them, it is not a love thing. I go to my bed and then turn on my side.

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