Chapter Eight

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Hey guys, sorry if I didn't publish in awhile I got in trouble so my parents took away the Internet for awhile but hey I'm back! Anyways sorry about the wait.... Enjoy!

-Amy's POV The Next Day-

After all that trouble we caused yesterday Shadow and I just enjoyed ourselves by asking a maid to get us chocolate dipped strawberries without telling our parents, we giggled and told jokes while eating them, right now I'm in one of the rooms of the castle which is currently getting repainted. It's actually a really pretty shade of blue, it's not too light or too dark. As the servants left the room for something, Shadow walked in to help paint with a bucket and a brush which already looked like it still has wet paint on it, as he walked by some of the paint dripped on my shoes. And I had a reaction any women would have had in that case.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shrieked, Shadow turned around confused as I stared at him with an angry glare.

"Look what you did," I hissed while gesturing to my shoe, Shadow grinned.

"Don't you have dozens of those in your closet?" He questioned with a sly grin. How dare he mess up my shoes and not feel sorry for it, as I started to feel more rage coming on I finally took a few deep breathes to calm down. After so, I looked at with a bright and warm smile.

"You're right. I have so many, sorry if I overreacted," I told him, Shadow smiled but then I picked up one of the buckets with hardly and paint inside and dripped it all over his shoes, I grinned and threw the empty bucket on the floor, I put my hands on my hips while smirking at Shadow's shocked face.

"I'm sure you have many shoes too," I told him, Shadow grinned.

"Oh you're gonna get it now pinky!" He said before placing his hands on the wet paint on the wall and then touched my dress, I softly gasped at the hand prints he had on my dress, I touched the wall as well and started to chase him, we began to both start to get wet paint on each other and play around, I playfully got some paint on his butt and he did with mine too, but still we both laughed like little kids and before we knew it, the wall was covered in our hand prints. I heard a loud gasp, Shadow and I turned around to see one of the servants come back, she stared at us then finally spoke.

"Um.... the King and Queen would like to see you," She stated, Shadow and I awkwardly walked downstairs to the throne room, our parents gasped at the side of us, which I don't blame them, we were covered in hand prints along with paint.

"W-well! I hope you guys were behaving yourselves up there!" Mother said, we both nodded our heads.

"Okay so your mother and I will be leaving the kingdom for a week to take care of some business. You two will be in charge of the kingdom so no fooling around," Father stated, we both nodded again.

"During this time as we leave, you will be starting up a trade with another kingdom, we will inform you of more later, you just need to make sure it's under control and that you are careful. You are going to meet up with prince Sean and princess Maya and them alone," Mother added.

"That's right we will tell you more later, everything until then is fine. You two may now be dismissed..." Father said, we both turned around to walk away, as we did I could hear mother giggling a bit.

-Shadow's POV Later That Day-

I sit at a desk in the library with my father, King Mephiles who still talks to me.

"So you make sure you watch that kingdom when they leave or else I  will be very disappointed," He stated as he sat in the chair across from me.

"Yeah, yeah," I stated, I don't need to hear any more nagging right now, my father leaned back in his chair and stared at me.

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