Chapter Fourty Three

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-Shadow's POV, Two Days Later-

I have to say what my dad did a few days ago certainly brought us closer. I feel like he's willing to change after I confronted him that day. We are now playing golf outside. So far it's a tough game but I seem to be winning.

"You're improving quickly, I'm very impressed," He complimented.

"Thanks. You're doing well too," And with that I swung the golf club which caused the ball to go flying until it dropped into another hole. I looked at my father, he looked as if he wanted to say something but he's not saying it. I grinned and looked at him, I swear if this is some emotional crap I will tell him to save it. He doesn't need to go out of his way to apologize when I already forgave him, let's just enjoy a good game of golf.

"Spit it out," I demanded.

"Well... I don't really know how to say this but.... your wife was really the person who paid Doug," He admitted, I gave him a strange look and waited, thinking it was just a joke but my father is rarely someone who joked around. He can't be serious right?

"I just thought you should know... if you didn't," He added. I started to feel confusion and anger boil within me, he already said he did it, what kind of game is he playing now? Amy would never do something like that.

"You're kidding right?" I questioned.

"Unfortunately, no,"

"You can't be serious. You already took the blame dad, stop trying to put it on someone else. Do you think I would really believe it was Amy? Amy isn't like that! She's not you!" I snapped.

"I'm only telling you the truth. I understand if you don't believe it but your wife is truly a clever girl--"

"I know that. But she wouldn't do that. She loves this kingdom she wouldn't lie to the villagers, she would never manipulate anyone!" I protested.

"You don't understand! I don't know why she did it, her intentions could have been somewhat good but she did it I'm--"

"I don't want to hear it anymore. Let's just play I'm tired of this crap," And I turned back to the game, I don't have time for this and I am already irritated. How dare he accuse Amy like that? Especially after trying to warm up to me again, this is stupid. He's always after Amy, always saying negative things about Amy and how he doesn't like her. I'm getting fed up, he doesn't seem to change. Amy doesn't deserve this.... she's such a pure person.

-Amy's POV-

I'm a monster. Ever since I've given that money to Doug I could feel the guilt crawling on my back and the back of my neck everywhere I go. It's not fair I tried to do what was right but what I did was selfish! And now someone took the blame for something they didn't do. I tried to fix things I really did try...

"So Amy... are you going to protect your King?" Cosmo's voice echoed inside my head. I tried to fix his reputation. I tried to fix the villagers attitude. I tried to fix the state of the kingdom. But when I fixed it, it all just seemed to come crashing down. Why did King Mephiles really have to say he did it? The villagers seemed happy enough by Shadow's words but he had to say he did it. The villagers seem happier now but I feel overwhelmed with shame. I feel like I'm suffocating in it and I can't take it. I tried so hard to look at the bright side, look at all the smiles and how happy everyone is. As long as they are happy, that's all that matters. I tried to convince myself this over and over and over again but I lied to my husband, I lied to my parents and I lied to this kingdom. What kind of queen am I going to be? Do I really deserve to be queen? Will I continue to lie once I'm queen? I really don't want to but I was desperate. Although I feel uncomfortable I will take this guilt, although I feel broken I will take this shame. Because I would rather suffer quietly than to let them know what I really did.

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