Chapter Sixteen

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So the Valentines day special for the Heart Broken mini series is finished and I'm planning on releasing it on February 13th or February 14th.... probably the 13th. OH and I'm sorry but as I was writing I realized this chapter was a bit long so I will continue the next part to this chapter in another chapter because  I'm planning for something good to happen and it can't just happen all in one chapter.  But it's not that bad news if you think about it because that means I already know what's happening next so it won't take too long to write. That's all I really have  to say lol. Enjoy!

-The Next Day, Shadow's POV-

It's another work day.  Just another quiet and boring day for me to do nothing but sit in front of a desk with stacked papers. Just by staring at all of this already makes me tired. I wish I could skip all of this but knowing me, if I don't finish this now I probably won't do it ever again. The worst thing about this was that there is a festival going on in the village today and I can't attend, I glanced outside to see the villagers already putting up decorations, too bad I have to stay in this office all day. Suddenly I heard a very soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, once the door opened I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my beautiful wife.

"Are you seriously planning on working all day?" Amy asked as she started to walk towards me.

"I actually have no other choice, I received the mail about all this today, so now I need to clear things up," I responded, Amy heaved out a sigh and sat in front of me.

"But there's a festival today, we can't make you miss that," She reminded me.

"I know, I know.... we'll just see how the day goes on. You can go yourself if you want to," I told her, Amy looked alarmed by my response.

"I can't go without you. In fact I have to go with you. You have to see the festival," Amy urged me, I looked at her, her worried expression speaks for itself.

"Besides.... I want to spend time with you today, not knowing that you will be sitting around all day then going to sleep," She whined, I feel bad, I really do. I heaved out a sigh and looked at the work I have to do. It would  be ridiculous if I got this all done in one day anyways.

"Okay fine....  how about after I finish off a few letters we could spend some time with each other," I proposed, Amy's face lit up.

"At the festival?" She questioned.

"Uhhh.... I don't think so... when I meant spend time together I was thinking about sneaking off to our room and doing whatever. You see the rest of the staff around this castle know I have to be working, and if they know we were at that festival then your parents would know," I reminded Amy, she turned and pouted.

"Not fair! They would understand....." She mumbled, I got up and hugged Amy from behind, placing my hands on top of her hands. Her sweet smell of her perfume makes me smile.

"Amy it's okay..... we can go next time. Right now I have some work to do. I will see you in a bit, alright?" I comforted her, Amy nodded her head then turned around to kiss me on my lips, then walked out the door while saying "Bye,". Once she left I looked back at my work. Maybe I can take a break and call Amy back here. No, no,no,no,no,no,no Shadow.... business and pleasure don't mix... remember? Right. I guess I will have to get this done first before I could spend time with my beautiful wife.

-Later That Day- 

I finally got a bit more than half of my work done. Now I can save the rest for another day, I opened my bedroom door to see Amy sitting there on her bed. I joined her, I just sat there and grinned at her, she gave me a puzzled look, then I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small purple box, I opened it which showcased a beautiful pearl necklace.

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