Chapter Fourty One

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Hey guys, so my laptop actually stopped working. So I will be writing on my iPad for the time being... the problem is  I don't really like writing on my iPad, I feel like it takes too much time so I'm giving you a heads up now that chapters will probably seem rushed and shorter because it takes longer to type everything onto the iPad then it does with my laptop it's hard to explain. Good news is Christmas is coming around soon so hopefully I get a new laptop. I will try to do my best to give you guys so,e quality chapters, it will however take long to bring up those chapters. Also I sort of just realized that this chapter is pretty boring and I should have just skipped to the "____" and second plot (I can't tell you what's the blank because  it's spoilers). But I already started writing so I might as well continue.... who knows hopefully you like it. Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV-

Well I listened to Amy. Right now my father and I are actually walking around the village. Why are we walking around the village? I have no idea since he's not even talking to me. Honestly what's the point of me being here right now? The villager seems deserted though, there are not any villagers working outside, only some children playing around and you can see some of the adult villagers walking around too. In all honesty, this is beyond ridiculous. The weather today is cool but comfortable and I could smell baked pie from one of the villager's houses.

"I'm surprised you even came here to see me. Especially alone after our last encounter," Father stated, I kicked a small rock but continued walking.

"I wouldn't have come here if it weren't for Amy. She told me to go see you," I told him truthfully, there was a slight pause before he replied.

"Really? I'm shocked,"

"Yes. I am too," I agreed, after a few more moments of hearing nothing but the birds singing and soft footsteps my father dared to speak up once again.

"So I heard there seems to be some conflict going on with your kingdom," He spoke up. I heaved out an annoyed sigh.

"It's not my kingdom dad. And yes there is. I don't know what to do," I admitted.

"Well perhaps you can organize a day in which you can speak to them without revealing the trade you're supposed to keep secret. Until then there needs to be some distraction," He told me. Amy told me the same thing about the distraction, but I don't know what to distract them with! All this is giving me a headache. I am sick of this.

"What do you mean by distraction!" I asked with some irritation in my voice.

"Anything son! Anything!" He copied my irritation. I rolled my eyes at him, this situation is annoying to me and stressful to Amy. I just want it to be over.

"Trust me son... you will find it," He reassured me, and just like that we heard an unfamiliar cry for help.

"HEEEELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" A man yelled, I looked over to my left and over by the docks I saw some man in the ocean next to a huge ship which I'm assuming he fell off of. The man splashed around desperately.

"Somebody help him! This can't be happening!" A female by the dock explained. A crowd gathered around, some people ran off to get people to help while others either tried to get a boat or stood there possibly thinking of what to do. And I knew exactly what to do. Without hesitating I ran over to the docks, pulled off my shoes and jumped in the ocean. I at first was under water for a second but managed to make it back up quickly, the water was cold but that wasn't important right now, feeling adrenaline running through my veins I forced myself over to the struggling man in no time, I could hear the crowd cheering behind me, I put an arm around his shoulder. The man however was still panicking and splashing around.

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