Chapter Twenty Three

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I just want to say that I had some serious feels while writing this chapter I mean I could have cried! Anyways I would go on but I don't want to spoil anything so we will have a feels contest thing in the next chapter then lol also there is a picture at the side to increase the feels!

-Amy's POV, Her Seventeenth Birthday-

Today is the day. Today is the day where I hope everything will turn out more than okay. It was hard but I stayed away from the ballroom, it was hard but I did it. When I woke up and turned to my side Shadow was actually gone. Where could he be? I stretched and lazily got out the bed to see a red sparkling dress along with sparkly red heels with red flats at the side. The dress was just laying there on the bed. Well I guess it's about time to take a nice bath. Once I was sitting in the bubble bath I couldn't help but imagine what the ballroom looks like, perhaps everything will be alright. The ballroom already looks beautiful without decorations, the huge golden staircase at the end of the room and tall windows to let those sun rays in. I wonder what they did. Suddenly loud footsteps interrupted my thinking. I heard footsteps all over my room... is that Shadow? Or perhaps a maid?

"Shadow?" I called out, hoping that he will hear me through the bathroom door, but instead the footsteps quickly moved outside the room. Strange. After a few more minutes of relaxation I finally got out with a towel around my waist and hair, it was probably a servant or something that was passing by or got lost. I don't blame them this castle is pretty big, but when I got out I spotted a note on my bed along with a rose. I picked up the note to read it.

Your birthday is set and ready, but we can't start until we have some special guests come along, you may wear your dress and be sure to take the rose with you on your way to find me at the courtyard.


I couldn't help but smile as I picked up the rose to smell it. Roses are my favourite flowers, and Shadow knows that too. Well I guess I better hurry up and get ready, I still haven't brushed my teeth. I walked over to the dress so that I could see who made this beautiful creation. It had the initials BDC. Bunnie d'Coolette! The same famous designer who made my dress when I was little! I gotta go brush my teeth so that I could  hurry up and put this on!

-About Half An Hour Later-

Well I guess it's time to go to the courtyard, I pushed open the doors and looked around, no one was in there. Maybe if I walk around a bit? Shadow could be jump scaring me, as I walked on the stone tiles my heels clicked, I walked around admiring the flowers and beauty of the courtyard then stopped in front of the water fountain where a note lay still along with another rose. Two roses in fact! I already have a rose in my hand but you can't have too many roses.  I picked up the note.

Oops! I'm sorry but I lied! Good news is the next place where I am about to send you in is the library, don't worry, things get more interesting from here. Look for your reflection while you're there.


What is up with him? I honestly don't have any time for this, normally I would have already went into the ballroom but I guess I do have to admit this is sort of fun. I picked up the rose and went on my way to the library. I don't remember there being any mirrors in the library but okay. By the time I got there the library was empty of people yet completely tidy. I walked around until I actually saw a mirror on one of the library walls. There a note stuck to the mirror and another rose taped to the note.

Hey Amy remember when you asked me to define love? Well my answer was when you constantly think of someone that you care for them, that is always how I felt about you. But I felt as if I felt more, after a chat with your mother she helped me understand. This is my definition of love to you. Being in a loving, strong, romantic relationship who you enjoy as your spouse or partner. That is all. Because I don't have many words to explain how I feel towards you. I wish I could see your face right now but I promise you will see me soon. Anyways I'm not sure if you noticed but I left some earrings for you on the table closest to the mirror which were already sanitized. Now go check out what I have for you at the village.

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